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Anti-lag systems?


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I searched but there wasn't a lot of info. What types of anti-lag systems are out there? The only one I've heard of is the type used in WRC, in which an injector is installed to spray feul directly into the turbine. Sounds cool, but I imagine that would wreck a turbo REALLY quickly. Anybody know of any more practical solutions?

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You can configure the SDS to do anti-lag, but you really have to hate your turbo to do this to it. It does essentially the same thing, except it is pumping fuel through the injectors and retarding the timing under very high vaccuum (throttle closed), in order to have the fuel burn in the exhaust manifold instead of in the cylinders. Pretty hard on everything, I would imagine. But possible.



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  • 3 weeks later...

The system JeffP is looking at out of Pantera Specialists has anti-lag and does it through rate of throttle closure sensing, map reading in the plenum, etc etc etc


Also has a "flat shift" capability when dealing with the turbo. Basically leave the foot flat to the floor, limits engine rpm and uses retarded timing and later phasing of injection events to keep boost constant during shifts...


Coool... :D

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