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new trick in my eyes

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i have never heard of this, but a friend of mine put five or so big magnets on the bottom of his oil pan to keep all the metal composets together at the bottom of the pan. i thought it was a great idea ive just never heard of have even thought about it. he said there has a HUGE decrese in the amount of metal in his oil

any thought?

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That works really good, Putting a bunch of magnets together in a kind of sheath over the oil filter helps alot too. Another thing with magnets that is fuel related, You can do the same around the fuel filter it isnt that effective over short time but it helps in the long haul.

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Putting a bunch of magnets together in a kind of sheath over the oil filter helps alot too.


Bingo, thIS is a trick I cannot believe isN'T more popular. It's essential for engines that are being broken in since they will generate some metal particles as the components are broken in. Griot's Garage has magnetic straps for oil filters, they work quite well.

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Guest 305240

Back when I was twisting wrenches at dealerships, I tore down many engines that had a magnet around the drain plug inside of the pan. I thought it was factory because I seen so many of them. I believe it was at a Ford dealership.

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You used to be able to buy magnetic drain plugs. I use a small speaker magnet on my pan next to the plug. It gets moved to the frame during an oil change.

I haven’t caught anything big yet, but I’m still fishing.


I found a magnetic plate inside an old M21 years ago. It was full of filings. That could explain why it was apart.

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