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The Fence Sitter


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To change the system, things like instant run-off voting and much heavier restrictions on corporate money involvement in politics.


Sorry for the three replies in a row, but I got a little excited. Anyway, I may vote for Kerry, but my choice is with the Green party or Libertarian candidate depending on what they think on things. Bush Jr. is not my cup of tea. I believe he has taken too many personal rights away and/or invaded our privacy in too many areas. Tonight, I just got off the phone with a credit card company. At the end of their waiver thing, they let me know that the government, according to the Patriot Act, could look at my financial records with the credit company. I don't like that at all. I know you, Mike, and I disagree on this, but I'm not comfortable with the government looking through my private stuff without my knowledge or a warrant. I have nothing to hide, but what happens if something becomes illegal (here's a stretch, but lets say non-CARB legal car parts become a jailable offense. Let the government go through my financial records and arrest me for that is not my idea of fun. Plus I wouldn't want to have to go through the hassles of trial. Look what happened to Tomohawk.)?


Anyway, please vote, and please pay attention to the issues. It is important. WE are living here.

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all along, i've toyed with the theory that anyone with legitimate personal convictions that back up their apathy in the voting booth shouldn't forget the fact that they have just as much of a right to put themselves on some ballot, somewhere. if enough people of actual integrity are able to inspire followership, a difference has been made.

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Guest Phil1934

For people that were surprised when overnight the USSR announced they were broke and couldn't even pay their armies, I see Greenspan says we can't even pay social security to the baby boomers. He suggests an immediate raise in the benefit age. Sort of like the recall of retired reservists, while not a breach of contract, certainly a breach of faith. And as to health care, the debate is asking employees to pick up part of the medical package, but there's enough money in workmen's comp to pay the whole thing, not just at work accidents or work related illnesses. If I win the lottery, maybe I'll become president. You notice I didn't say run for president. I'll let two others smear each other, the networks tally the votes, then a week later be declared president. It only takes 270 electoral votes and they are under no legal obligation to vote for the candidate they represent. Remember the Republican one from Philadelphia who cast his vote for Jesse Jackson? I figure for less than half the money either candidate spends campaigning, I can go right to the source and buy in.

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