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VG30DE daily driver.


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I have been lurking around the site off and on for a few days now and finally got some time to do a legitimate search. I apologize upfront if this post is redundant, but in the past two hours I have come up with nothing relevant to the information I am looking for.


Recently, I came across a 1970 240z that a man was selling for a price that I could not pass up. Immediately I started making plans for the car. Being a big fan of the later model 300zx, I decided that a VG30DE might make a good, inexpensive, daily-driven engine for the car seeing is how the original engine is only half there.


What I am asking is:


-Will the VG30DE's large heads fit between the strut towers?

-Will the stock exhaust manifolds fit, or would I have to machine one-off manifolds?

-Relative to the original L24, how much more does the VG30DE weigh?

-Is there a company that makes stand-alone engine management for the VG30DE that I can test and tune from my laptop with the aid of an experienced dyno tech, or will the stock n/a ZX ECU be adequate?

-Is there anything else I should think about while doing this swap? Other engines (I'd like to stay Nissan, but am open to suggestions)? Wiring?


Again, my goals are to have a good daily driver that I can take out to the amateur auto-x on the weekends. I would also like the ability to upgrade in the future and was thinking that if I prepped the car for a VG30DE, I could step up to a TT later on.


Sorry the post is so long and thanks in advance to anyone who offers any insight at all. I know by working on this car already that it wont be my last Z.

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I have to disagree with the problems on the VG30DE. The VG30DE in my 1990 300ZX never had a problem... even with around 200,000 miles on it, and being taken to redline atleast once a day. The only thing I had against the engine was the weight to power....... I wanted to swap for a VG30DETT.


As far as I know, most of the problems with these engines are the peoples faults who break them, not the engine. I know people with Z32's putting around 300,000 miles on the engines without any sort of rebuild.

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