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Wierd MPG


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Buddy had a late 70's RX7. Opening the sunroof and windows cost him 3 or 4 MPG compared to running with them closed and the AC on.


But make sure you didn't get any gasohol. The energy content is lower and use to cost my old Ford Fiesta a full 5 MPG. A lot of those midwest states subsidize the gasohol pretty heavily so it is more common.

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The mileage on the freeway was probably low because the top was down. I have found that small changes to the shape of my cars can have huge impacts on my MPG. On my truck, I get 3+ MPG by droping the tailgate and folding in the mirrors. My previous truck picked up 5 by doing the same. I have no doubt that the top down could have cost you 8-10 MPG on the freeway.

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I knew that the top down would definitely impact fuel economy. I just had know idea it would drop it by 6 mpg. Interstingly enough I did have one tank with the top up and it was still only about 21 MPG. Time will tell on this. After we accumulate 6 months or so of data I'll do an update on the additional data,

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