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T3 compressor/efficiency maps

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

Okay I did search and found the T3 map posted here and there a while back, but you know... for the life of me I can't figure out what i'm looking at. Was hoping someone could post and explain exactly how to use this thing?? I'm trying to figure out how efficient the T3 is at given boost levels, say, stock level, 10psi, 12psi, 14psi, and Jersey's crazier-than-crazy 18psi. And anyways what exactly does the efficiency tell you? Can you look at a given turbo, given boost and efficiency and know, for instance, exactly how much the turbo is heating the air or how much power you are gaining/losing?

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Guest bastaad525

Did you mean:




at first I was like.... "hey wait I've been over that page before there are no compressor maps there" but then I went thru the whole page again to see if maybe I missed something??


I found that link there at the bottom, I hadn't checked that out before.



EDIT: for all the good it did me... after going over that whole thing I'm still not quite sure what I'm looking at :oops:


EDIT AGAIN: ahhh there's me being slow again :D but uh, after going over it a few times I think I get it :) Math makes my head hurt....


Okay so I've got my efficiency % numbers, but now, what exactly does that number mean?? So the T3 is running around 65% efficiency at my boost level... but... 65% of WHAT exactly? still sorta confused. I know 65% isn't good at least.... and why do all efficiency maps seem to pan out at about 75%?

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As I understand it(please correct where I might be off) When you go above the efficiency pillow or map,the level of heat and cavitation of air become inefficient from that point forward.Therefore becoming problemsome and ineffective.

Of course your cam profile will effect at what point and RPM will make the rush to that pillow. (HUH ?) laughing.....Basically,a turbo's efficiency pillow is a view at the amount of flow in lbs. and the point at which it reaches your HP goals.


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The lower the efficiency the greater the HEAT associated with the air being supplied.


Looking at the maps will let you see and select the appropriate turbo compressor section for your needs by maximizing the efficiency opf the turbo in as many areas of operation (rpm/boost) as possible.


I sent you to that page because I wanted to make sure you had a good foundation for the rest.

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Thanks for the props 525 :wink: j/k I really only keep it cranked to 18psi when i go to the track, which is pretty rare these days and then bump it back down to 15-16psi for the street. She's been holding up like a champ but i know it'll eventually disintigrate. Hopefully, it wont take out much after the T3 but if so, i guess it'll give me a project for the winter. God knows all of my 3 kids have been born in sept/oct! LOL. I'm just trying to push it into the 11's with the stock T3 and stock electronics. If and when i accomplish this, i will stop playing with fire and start the safe and smart build. I've never heard it done and someone here told me it would never happen so.... :twisted:

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Guest bastaad525

Well the reason i asked, what I'm really getting at, is that I'm trying to figure out at what point raising the boost with the stock T3 will start to give no increase in power at all or even start to lose power from all the extra heat. It looks to me like it is still going to increase power even up to 20psi, am i reading that right? Of course what bearing is going to deal with that :)

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I would think that 18 psi w/stock turbo would be the limit - is not lower - the HEAT being created at that point is phenomenol.


Do some searches - someone is in the 12's on the stock turbo - see what he maxes at.


Anything less than 65% efficiency is asking for trouble. If you were tolimit your RPMs to ~4000 with 20 lbs boost you'd be okay, but above tay yo would reach TPODR.


Heck, you would have to chabge injectors before you can max out the stock turbo (providig you have an intercooler).


I run 10 and sometimes spike to 15 Psi with a T3/T4 S trim compessor and clipped turbine with stock injectors - no intercooler, no ping.


If I want more out of it, I'll have to go MS or SDS and bigger injectors asnd an intercooler first - then change the turbo.

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Guest bastaad525

So how much extra heat is being generated at 10psi? 12? 14?



And when you say 'asking for trouble' what kind of trouble would you be asking for? Ping? Lost power?

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Guest Cronic

18psi is the theroetical limit for the 60 trim...


HOWEVER with added fuel, keeping the a/f low, around 10:1 You will cool the charge enough to still be making horsepower, even at 22psi.


Race gas will also help this out a lot. I know some crazy bastage around here running 24psi on 110 octane.


He ran a 12.20 or something. Only hearsay. I never saw it. I run 20psi all the time, however at 4050rpm, the 20psi becomes 16. My turbo is pretty shot.

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