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Woohoo a "new to me" Z edit with pics


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Well I've finally found one. I've been "daily driver" carless for more than 2 months now.


The 69 240 is still a project car. I won't have it running this year. It will be a fun winter project this year.


My VG30ET is running very strong @ 15psi Though I seem to be now having some diff troubles in 1st and 2nd with more than 10psi of boost. Its making some kind of rapid knocking sound. (I checked my halfshafts to see if they were rubbing.. no dice)


Anyways for the update.


I sold my 03 Altima a few months back, and I live close enough to work, that I have been riding my bike back and forth. Its been great so far. I will NOT drive my 280 to work.


Fall is definately here, so I need to think of winter when the 280 is gone. I may still ride my bike for a while, or even walk sometimes, but when it hits minus 20, I will need some transport, at least to get around after work.


So I've been hunting around for a Z. 75-89. (I wanted FI) Well I just found a 82 280zx. Its a 2+2 which is great for me, since a 4 seater would be missed after selling my Altima.


Its a Dark blue 82 2+2 with black leather int, and 16"x7 7 spoke wheels.

The body has min rust, and the usual places to look for rust, all showed to be in great condition considering the Canadian winter here. It has an aftermarket stereo with amps, tinted windows, new engine 3 years ago. The interior is not too bad, and has the usual cracks in some of the seating areas (leather). Resent tires, and new backhalf exhaust. Car should cert pretty easy, and no emmisions test for me either.


It also turns out it is a car worked on by my former mechanic!( new engine) I thought I recognized the car. It was even painted by the same painter as my 280!


I'm pretty happy right now. I pick it up tommorow evening.


Only one problem.


The car will drive and idle beautiful.. for a while.. then it just stops..just like I turned off the key. I can easily start it back up again, but it will do the same thing again after a few min.


I'm thinking electrical. The guy told me its been doing it for a few weeks now, and he just stopped driving it and put it up for sale, cause he wants to finish a jaguar project car he's working on.


Anyways, I'll dig into it this week for sure.


In the mean time.. the 280 is running, and its kinda hard on the eyeballs, as they keep getting jammed back in my head when I nail 3rd or 4th gear... heck even 120kph - 220kph while staying in 5th comes up in a few seconds.


Edit: On another note. the seller told me that a guy from Ottawa was on his way to see the car, and was expecting him in another 2 hours (4 hr drive) he told me about the guy on Friday that he was coming out to see it. Well I beat him to it, and he had to call him and hope he wasn't too far along the highway and that the car was sold and he would have to turn around.


If it was you:.. Sorry man. I got there to see it as soon as I could. Hope you had a cell phone and didn't have to come all the way for nothing.





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Good find man! Hey.. wana set of 14" 6 spokes to put winter tires on for that zx? Maybe a partial trade plus some $$ for the 16" 7 spokes? :) (I'm looking for some nice rims for my 280z that I can get some wide tires on... 351 windsor gona have some power.. heh heh :twisted: )

As for the 'stalling but starting up again' thing.. maybe the coil is breaking down? I've had that problem before.. not in a z, but other vehicles..

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Well the car is home and I will start to work on it tonight.


I found out though that the guy from Ottawa didn't get the message (was already enroute) and show'd up to see the car. Was already to buy it till he found out it was sold! and a deposit was taken.


He understood, but was still kinda pissed he made the trip for nothing. Apparently he looked it over and was interested in buying it.


Sorry man.


I got a couple of things to work out, and I'm making a list of things to look at to cert it.


The starting issue is still there. To get it to start, the guy had to run a jumper cable from the bat to the starter to get it to start, so I'm thinking that the problem may be in the hot bat lead, or maybe the wire from the ign key switch.


I am going to clean all the connections I can find on the car first.


I need the car to be able to drive to get anything I can't fix at a local garage. ( I'm going to get a 10 day permit this week, If I can solve the stalling problem.)


It seems to be a starting issue, combined with an occasional stalling issue that appears to be electrical in nature. I don't like how the bat is grounded, so that will be my first stop. ( it is not grounded in a stock fashion... it is grounded to the bat tray, and then using another ground wire to one of the valve cover bolts.. certainly not ideal.


To update the 280. I have broken my rubber diff mount. I don't think anything is wrong with the halfshafts, or the clutches in the diff. I have confirmed that my brand spanking new rubber diff mount is dead. no wonder the diff is making noises.


O well, it will be a fun Z working weekend!

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Well lots of progress, with some setbacks.


First the bad news. I found more wrong with the new 280zx. (not entirely unexpected on a 22 year old car.) hehe


1 Wiper motor running very slow. I cleaned the connections, and oiled the armatures and linkages. Works great now!!


2 Washer fluid resivoir and motor is missing. Simple fix... I rewired the headlight washer and routed the hoses to the windshield. Works great!


3 Washer fluid directors plugged. Blew them out with compressed air. Works great now!


Now the good news.


Cleaned all the bat connections, and replaced the + wire, cleaned the fuseable linke connections, relay connections, any other wire connection I could find.


The car starts fine now...Though I think the bat has seen better days so I will replace today.


Fixed the rear window opener. I found it was actually disconnected. Works great now!


Replaced two seat bolts. Guy had used longer bolts that had a shank so the bolt could not be bolted tight???


Found a small hole (size of a loonie) (dollar coin for those not from the great white north of Canada) I will patch it with steel this morning. I think I will make a sandwich of steel and patch it up quick.



As much as it is a pain in the rear fixing a new car so I can drive it, I'm really quite happy, because I now know more about this car, I know what I'm up against, and I'm getting familiar with it. (its my first 280zx)

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Well I'm going to stop this thread and move over to the "ive got some problems with my z forum.


Seems the car still has a random "stalling".. I have had it out for a drive today, and it just died. when I turned the key while coasting, it caught right away and kept driving??? the starter even screeched like when you leave it on after the engine catches and runs on its own...


Oh and now I have a steering wobble.. I topped up the power steering fluid, but it still seems to wobble as I drive down the street..seems like less wobble when going around the corners, but in a straight line, you can feel the car wobbling back and forth. The steering wheel moves back and forth a few inches


Oh well.. it was fun while it lasted..now its getting complicated.


See ya in that "other forum"...



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