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whats up with the forum?

Guest ON3GO

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I don't like it. Just when you get used to one format, it up and changes again. I liked having the most recent posts scrolling on the side, along with the site menu on the left side. Everything was convienient on the old home page. Now its....... ummmmmm .......... I dunno -- it's something!


So was this change for the sake of change? Or something more?


Oh, and is it me or do you have to go all the way back to the intro page before you can navigate from the forum to the classifieds or the photo album....?

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Yeah, I got all that when it was first posted. I guess I just didn't think it would change SO much......


I thought about it long and hard before changing things, as noted in another thread I felt that dealing with software that has mininal support was a mistake on my part for ever even installing in the first place.

To quote myself:

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 7:31 am Post subject: HybridZ Upgrades Complete... mostly




So, you are asking yourself “what the heck is going on here?” or “damnit Dan, would PLEASE stop changing things”

Well, the change is for the better, believe me.

As you can see we have gone back to phpBB for our forum software, all I can say is that there are 2 reasons for that and they are big ones.

Stability and Support.


As for our Photo album and Classifieds sections I purchased what I think is the best Photo Album out there, reason? Same as above. Plus you can now upload video and have a larger size personal photo album.

The thing that I really like about PhotoPost software is its ability to do real backups and restores incase of a disaster.


Our new Classifieds software has the same pluses as our new Album software and some features that many members and moderators have been asking for.

Buyer / Seller Rating system and a bidding option.


Back to the Forum software, it may appear that we lost some of the additional features that we had before, that is correct we did but, the phpBB group is real close to releasing version 2.2 that will have all the features / functionality that we had before and quite a few new ones.

Once it’s released and tested I will be upgrading to the new version.

Anyways, I understand that learning to use a new Photoalbum and Classifieds application is a pain in the ass but in the long run it's better for all of us.

Since these programs are paid for and come with technical support I now have somewhere to turn to if there are problems.



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Anyways, I understand that learning to use a new Photoalbum and Classifieds application is a pain in the ass


Heh heh, you said it ........ it's coming along though. The new stuff is starting to grow on me. At least there's not a red X on most of the user photo albums anymore....

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