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New superpower coming around

Heavy Z

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I would agree that China is the big threat but Russia? They cannot get there head out of their own butt. Major problems in Russia, of course we have alot of those same problems.



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Ain't nothing to worry bout. Socialistic governments and repression/ punishment of the motive to self profit will keep all those countries occupied by poverty (by our standards) for a while.


I find it interesting that New York has a higher GDP then Russia.


also, funny spelling and grammar mistakes in the article.


"According other think tanks, this coalition will have an overwhelming influence over the United Nations" <--- has US ever considered UN seriously? I bet some people here think it exists just so they could have a good laugh every once in a while :D

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China's economy would be destroyed w/o the US buying their "goods". India, oh what ever let them figure out the Kashmir problem first. Russia has a problem with Checinia (sp) civil war terroism (sp) etc. Putin an ally of the US would NEVER call the US out.


Who we (US) have to worry about is N Korea. A rouge nation that places no value on human life. Too bad Colin Powell is quitting the Bush admin I really feel he was making progress.


Again just my .02 worth



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Brazil is highly industrialized and a major player in the international arms market. They make a lot of first class weaponry.


This coalition would be a super power on paper only. Those guys would never agree on anything. Shoot. When it comes to military action even the American people can't agree on much. The only reason our military works is because right or wrong there is one guy running the whole show.


And with the exception of the Russians all of those countries armys lack international mobility. They would not be much of a threat outside their own borders.

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