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SBC Swap Time Frame?

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I'm curious about the rough time frame for swapping the straight 6 for a sbc? I mean from drive into the garage to drive out. I'm asking because I'm attending college right now and I only get a month or so off of school between semesters and I'd like to get as many of the parts as I can together before I do the swap, then do a marathon install all at once. I'm going to wait till the break between spring and summer classes so I can do it during good weather. and have the car ready for the summer cruise ins. Waiting will also allow me to do prep work(rust removal) on the car this spring, before I do the swap. Do you think it'd be possible to do the swap in the 3-4weeks I get between semesters?

Thanks in advance.

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Guest potato bread

I'm hoping that I'll be able to do the actual swap (LS1) in under 30 days. I'm getting the parts and whatnot together now and planning for the summer. It will be me my brother and maybe one other person. Does this sound reasonable?

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I did it in three weeks. This was the fist time I tried something as big as an engine change, had only don ordinary repair work before. Things that made me succeed:


I had spent almost two years sourcing parts, so I had everything on hand. For example; I did not only buy an electric fuel pump. I also got the fittings, fuel hoses, clamps, fuel lines, electrical connecters and wires before putting everything in a Ziploc bag and stored it.


I followed the JTR manual almost down to the letter.


I worked 10 to 12 hours a day for three weeks. I had one rest day. (Had some problem keeping motivation up in the end.)


Things that took extra time:


I spent almost 2.5 days on tiding up and repainting the engine compartment.


I spent almost 1.5 days repairing rust in the battery area that was worse then I first expected.


I spend 5 days (really!) on fabricating a dual custom exhaust system. I had purchased different bends and strait pipes and made everything from the header back to the muffler including an X-pipe in front of the diff. I am a beginner on welding and was learning as a vent.


An alternative had been towing the car to a muffler shop but I had no one I felt I could trust in the area.



Bottom line: It’s doable in three weeks if you preplan and don’t have to spend a lot of time driving around getting parts while you should be working on the car.


Good luck!

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im in the same boat as you and im planning to have mine done in the same time frame as you are also. the only bottle neck that ive run into is buying parts and doing research at the same time. i dont see why you coundnt do in that time frame if you have all you parts ready to go and have a few friends to lend you a hand. and if you dont change your plans half way throught. ive seen swaps take a soon as a month or 2 and as long as a year if not more. just stick to it and you'll be done in no time

keep us posted on you progrss and take lots of pictures :wink:

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Guest triple_threat311

well don't expect too much, i started my conversion when i was a sophomore in highschool and now i am a junior in college, I still am not even close to getting the darn thing finished. my original plan was to have the car finished before i left for college. now i am in college, the final date just gets pushed back from break to break to break... however, i think it is possible if you can scrounge up enough money, parts, and assistance in the conversion. don't plan on doing much else though. good luck

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