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Canada being invaded!


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If Quebec had it's way they wouldn't even be one country.


Well Quebec had their chance to seperate in 1995, and in the end voted to stay with the rest of the nation. :P Since then popular opinion in Quebec has swayed even more drastically towards a united nation.


They might even begin to understand why Canada can't even keep there own hockey players.


I'm not sure what you mean by this, but I can't see any shred of truth in it. If you are implying that there are Canadian players playing for US teams int he NHL, you are correct. With more than 80% of the leagues players being Canadian, there aren't enough teams up here to support that kind of talent base. If you are implying that we have players that have renounced their ties to Canada to play for the US teams (ie: Brett Hull... and others) it is only because they either weren't invited to play for team Canada, or they were invited to try out for the team and didn't make it.


As far as Americans moving over... Personally I'd prefer if it was a little more difficult to get into my country... There is a reason the United Nations had rated Canada the best place in the world to live numerous times in the past decade. (every year from 1994-2000 if I am not mistaken) I'd prefer a bit more screening involved before letting people from other countries capitalize on our good fortune, good planning, and good luck.

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Guest bastaad525

Okay maybe I'm unsure of the exact definition of 'expatriot' but you know... i don't think it's appropriate now to say that anyone who wants to move to another country is now an expatriot or better an f'ing 'deserter'.



To be honest I've desired to move out of this country since I was a child. I've wanted to move to Japan for as long as I can remember for more reasons than I can count, and also recently became very interested in moving to Australia or possibly New Zealand. This makes me an expatriot now?


You know, there is one thing that a lot of conservatives keep saying that I DO agree with, and that is that the state of morality in this country has gone to crap in the last who knows how long. People are getting worse and worse here. Living in los angeles all of my life I've seen the brunt of this happening first hand. All this newfound 'patriotism' is having no real effect on that. My desire to leave the country has very little to do with any political reasons or anything to do with this war, but rather, just getting tired of living around people who, for the most part, SUCK. And the number of bad people seem to far outweigh the number of good, at least anywhere here in SoCal.

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Alright first off the Canada bashing that has occurred since the beginning of the war has depressed me to no end. It is off base and does nothing but foster ill will. So if you think I am bad mouthing Canada or our relationship with them then I am simply not making myself clear.


Second, as for the 5500 deserters article, a 5 minute google search turned up this article which says there have been “at least 4â€




Not to sing the praises of the Washington Post, but isn't the 5500 article from the same 60 minutes crew that brought us the Dan Rather controversy?


Someone needs to tap into Pentagon numbers showing desertion rates. Guys go AWOL all the time (just like that North Korean guy). Undoubtedly the wars may have driven the numbers up, but I would be amazed if the desertion rates were anywhere near what that 60 minutes article says.


My point on Quebec isn't whether they stayed or left. The point being made is that there is a difference in opinion. Can't argue that. Perhaps I should rephrase the statement to have read in the past tense?


The point with the hockey players is that the high Canadian taxes relative to the US (especially for people making millions a year) makes them want to claim residency in the US. Might have something to do with the high level of government services?


I am not trying to say one country is necessarily better than the other either. What I am saying is both countries have their problems and both countries have people on either side of the political spectrum. If these romanticist think they will go to Canada and find the whole country is populated with people of the same mindset as Ben and Jerry, then they are just setting themselves up for further disillusionment.



And one other thing. As for the deserter covered in the news article. Kudos to him for following his inner conscience, but all I have to say is be a man about it. Mohammad Ali didn’t believe in the Vietnam war, but he had enough convictions in his beliefs to stand up and defend them. The guy in the article is another story. It is not like the US military has changed the ground rules since that pussy enlisted. If he really feels like he could not look down the sights of a weapon and kill someone, even in defense of his fellow soldiers, then something tells me no commander is going to put him in that position. A bad conduct discharge and maybe some brig time sure seems a hell of a lot more honorable than backing out on his commitment like he did.

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