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As good as it looks,it didn't run that great.Its seems to be surging,like its runing out of Gas??It is maintaining fuel pressure?I suspect My BG400 pump is the first thing I'm going to replace.Just after I took the pics,I went to pull it in to the garage and the fuel pump stated leeking all over the place.the screws that hold to motor to the main body were loose.I tightened them up and it stoped leeking.But I'm unsure if its still working correctly??The best I could muster up was a 8.76@158.56MPH.I red lighted in the first round redface.gif .I have some work to do.Yep,thats the Cali Motorhome in the back round.It towed great up to the track.The RS/SS BB Camaro was sold.I sold it for the Guy that painted My car as a favor.Thanks for all the complements.I got a lot at the track as well :D .

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