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4.33 years later....

Guest PBooty

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I have finally finished all my requirements for my degree in Mechanical Engineering!!!!! Imma gradumacated :-D


Now who in California knows anyone that's hiring???? :wink:

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Congrats! I know how much work that is, and it is definitely something to be proud of. Have you concentrated on any one part of ME (Design, Thermal, Dynamics, Controls, etc...)?

Personally, I will be graduating this semester as well, MSME.


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Seems like all the jobs in SO-Cal are defense related..and lots of people want experienced people for entry level jobs..


looks like i'm going to be unemployed for the holidays...

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The job market for new engineers is smoking right now. It's OK if you don't want to work in defense cause all those defense jobs are sucking up graduates. It is all supply and demand and right now demand still exceeds supply.


Even in the best of times getting a job takes time and effort. Put a few months work into it and treat every job interview as those it is the only job you have ever wanted and you should have no trouble finding a good job.

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