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Finding my parents.

Guest z31_drifter

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Guest z31_drifter

Well I finally got in contact with everyone. I got in reach with my Father, his sister. I just got in contact with my mother and my sisters and brother. Now all I have to do is meet them all. I am glad to have finally found them all.

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Z31 You have balls - what you are doing is very brave and I wish you the best of luck. I have a sister and have talked about finding her for years but have never done it - I should.


Closure is personal, what works for one does not work for another so only you know what is best for you. You have already said you stay off drink because of your behaviour, good for you, break the chain. Do not let it happen to your kids when they arrive.


I have truly broken the chain of behaviour from my adoptive father, never physically abusive but mentally - I love my kids, they hug me, kiss me and say "I love you Daddy" all the time, something I did not have.


Sometimes an apparent victim can turn out to be much much stronger than their abuser - your attitude points to you being one of those people.



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