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Melting Fuse Box


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I was taking my sound system out a few days ago and when I got to the actual deck I discovered the fuse box cover had a bit of heat distortion. Checking the fuses I found the top two on the right hand side had overheated and melted the plastic box. They are still holding on but it’s bothering me now so I’m going to be replacing it.


The weird thing is there were two wires that had been tapped in to two separate fuses. I’m no electrician but I’m willing to bet that this could be the cause of the overheating. These wires were not there when I bought the car so some electrician has done a dodgy job of it. I have heard of the fuse boxes melting with stock load but putting extra current through them will accelerate the process right? Now that I think about it, when I bought the car the cover had been melted extremely. The box itself was fine which leads me to believe that either the cover was from another car or this car has a recurring problem.


My question is, would there be an independent fuse solution so that I can avoid tapping the two wires in to the box to avoid putting extra load on it? Also, I’d be right in thinking that if I were to trace the wires that use the two fuses where the melting occurred I would find a short somewhere? What else could cause the fuses to overheat?



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Here is the old thread I was thinking about.




Not sure if anyone has used it.


I went on the MSA site and all they sell is stock replacement boxes, for $159 US. Ouch.


Did find this thread with some other options



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Nice box. Thanks for that. I guess the old stock boxes will never cut it for me and keep melting. Might just patch up my current one to get the car running for a while until I get a better box.


Really appreciate your help Pop. I would have gone with a stock box otherwise and more headaches down the track :(


btw, I just realised this thread is in the wrong section. Sorry :P

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