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LT1 intake on an original SBC?

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Just tossing some ideas around recently and was wondering if anybody knew the quick answer about putting an LT1 intake on an older SBC (pre-87… standard coolant flow heads). I’m looking at switching over to EFI in the next year and was attracted to the LT1 because of it’s low profile and rumored flow capabilities. Also, I think it’s a cool looking intake.


I’ve found a few bare intakes on Car-Part, but they all wanted between $150 and $250. I’m sure a better deal could be had on e-Bay with somebody upgrading to an LT4 intake.


Thoughts, comments?

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I dont know but the bolt hoes are very different. I went to my local parts store and they pulled an intake gasket for an older 350 and and lt1 350. they are not even close. In addition, there is not provision for a distributor. I finally saw an intake that allows the use of lt1 heads on older block with a rear dirstibutor. I was thinking of this option due to tight budget and looking for "bang for the buck" type solutions. If you want lt1 injection buy a whole lt1. the benifits are great and may be cheaper by the time you get all parts.....intake, throttle body, fuel rails, ecm, injectors, regulator..... all of which work great stock.

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I am currently having my machinist convert my extra LT1 intake. He says that the website has some dodgy info, and not to go by it. The spacer for the dizzy needs a 4.8* angle milled into it to get correct dizzy alignment, and there were some other issues.

He does over engineer stuff, but just a heads up to check all the measurements.


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