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Who knows jets?


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Has anyone had military experience with F-4 Phantoms? I am trying to find out if the GE J79 engine used a small jet engine for a starter. The British Phantom had a Rolls Royce engine and it had a small jet engine used to start it. it was called a Plessey Dynamics Seton made about 70 shaft horsepower and 100 lbs thrust. Just the thing for a junior dragster. My great grand daughter is on my case to build her a rece car, and I am not into go karts.

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We used a -60 Air cart for starting. and in the rare instance no cart was available, an explosive air cart was used. Sometimes for training purposes the carts would be used. But 9.9 times out of 10 the air cart was used. So to answer your question the F-4 had no APU of any sort on board for engine starting.

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So to answer your question the F-4 had no APU of any sort on board for engine starting.


The Phantom FG1 models used by the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force were fitted with the Rolls Royce RB168-25R Spey 201 engine, which did have an APU on board.


The RAF purchased 15 ex-US Navy / USMC Phantom F4Js as a stop-gap measure after the Falklands war, and these came into service in 1984. Being fitted with the GE J79 engine ( with no APU - as Stony pointed out ) these were sometimes stranded when diverted to airfields that did not have the air start 'Palouste' system. The Palouste would then have to be transported to the airfield in question in order for the aircraft to be recovered.

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I was able to work on the F4C and D models while in the USAF. We also had to use external APU's, gas engine and the newer (at the time) turbine type. Those were fun to listen to starting up.


They used to use the starter cartridges for training and alert practice.

Lots of black smoke!

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