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Anyone play halo 2 on xbox live?

J Taylor

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Guest bastaad525

No but I been playing the hell out of PSP :) anyone else get one of these?


Best... system.... EVAR! PS2 quality graphics in a system about the size of a typical PDA with a HUGE (by handheld system standards), high definition 16:9 screen and full online multiplayer capability when you're in range of a wireless router/hotspot. It don't get much better than that.....

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I used to play about 1-2 hours per night, (read addiction) but did not renew after the trial period because I figured I was too old to spend that much time on video games. I just recently played a few times on XBconnect. It just isn't the same. Live does such a good job with the ranking etc. Plus, nobody can use mod chips etc. It is a lot more fun when it is fair. We too have system link nights at my house and the local kids think I am the coolest parent around for doing it. Between the people that come we have to projectors and 2 decent sized TV's. I love it. My gamertag is MAICHOR. Maybe I will get back on live seeing as how I have 2 more free trail coupons.

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Guest tony78_280z

I got a 4 and 5 year old that play the hell out of Halo and Halo 2. Granted the only play on Easy, but they have beaten the first 4 level of each. They were so excited when they made it to Delta halo, and Metropolis is their all time favorite. I hardly get to play anymore.


I got DSL and an X-Box, what else do I need to play online?


My all time Favorite online game is Ultima Online. I'm waiting for a copy of Samurai Empire... that is gonna be soo cool!

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Nothing if your modem has more ethernet ports, like a hub. If not you will need a hub to play neXBconnect. http://www.xbconnect.com. That service is free and you can download the software free. However, I recommend LIVE. It is so much better.


If you want to do live, all you need is a subcription code, you should have gotten a 2 month trial with Halo2. If so, unplug your computer from the DSL modem (assuming it is ethernet and not USB) and plug it into the XBOX. Turn on the XBOX without a game in it. Go to LIVE and follow the instructions. You will need a credit card. It's easy. You can be up an gaming in 10 minutes.

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I'm back on LIVE. My gamertag is: a SLOW OLD DUDE


I got tired of everybody thinking I'm Japanese with Maichor. By the way, what Maichor really means is Michael, it is just that my niece could not pronounce Michael, so I became Maichor.


Last weekend we had a great system link party that I hosted at my house for some of the youth 12-18 from church. It was awesome! We had two projectors and 3 TV's and 5 XBOXes. Only 4 XBOXes (16 people) can hook up on system link, we had an "on deck box" because we had 18 people. My favorite variation of the night was rockets and snipers on Headlong!

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