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OMG. The Datsuns is a band......


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it doesent sound like the misfits to me. it sounds alot more like rock and roll than punk. the singing is a bit like the misfits but the little yells sound like an '80s hair band. Also the music itself is alot more complex than misfits songs which are often refered to as "crappy 3 chord punk". I dunno just sounds more like metal to me.

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jackyl is 3chord 80s hairband smile.gif just an fyi hehe


i like these guys not for the 'quality' of music they play, but just for the fun factor. just like a guy i used to know who was lead guitar in a band would say "offspring sucks, it's a 3chord punk crap, no skill and no talent". but the point is offspring is fun to listen to, so i didn't care much for his comments. follow what i'm saying? :D

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I have to comment seeing they are from up the road. Nice to see "rock" moving in a different dirrection then the record scratchy copy cats that we have been subjected to over the last few years. When I first heard them I thought they sounded like Fu Man Chu. Another Kiwi band in a similar mould to look out for is "The D4's".



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