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cure cancer without harming normal cells


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Now the trick is how do you get the nanotubes into the cancer cell but not the normal cells?


That's for another scientist to discover, but without this step, his discovery would be useless right? :icon8: Is this newsworthy?


Hey I just discovered I can kill any cell with a pair of plyers and a plasma torch, can they use that to cure cancer? No, but without the word "cancer" in the title of the article he wouldn't be able to publish his work, which is the key purpose of this article. Published works are like years of experiance for scientists and professors, where they are published matters and how often.

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There have been some worthwhile developments in finding bacteria and viruses that target only cancerous cells and not the surround normal ones. My grandfather, who has been struggling with prostate cancer, just went in to see if he was eligible for cell freezing treatments so he won't have to deal with chemo.

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