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My son graduated from Airforce basic training


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On Sept 2nd my son Derek graduated from Airforce basic training. My wife and I were able to go down for the ceremony and had a very good visit with him. He was a dramatically different young man and I'm impressed. He's always been a good kid but like most teenagers these days was a bit disrespectful of the older generation. That has all changed, everyhting was yes sir, yes mam, please and thank you. He also carried himself with much more confidence and in a way that presetns a very positive pipcture. I know most of the change is temporary and he'll return to his old self sort of, but it was still good to see him so much more mature than when he left.


It was a bit of step back into history for me as well, I went through basic at Lackland back in 1985. When we toured the dorms it gave me the willies and everytime I heard the TI's taps on his shoes I started looking around and trying to figure out if I was screwing up in some way. Old habits never die and the things you learn in basic never really go away. Being around all the military personel and the base made me wish I'd stayed in, I would have retired with 20 this last June if I had.


Derek was supposed to go to Keesler (which was wiped out by Katrina) for tech school but was held at Lackland while they figure out what to do. In the mean time Derek was very intrigued by the honor guard at the graduation ceremony and asked me several questions about it. I told him that each base has an honor guard detail that is a voluntary thing and if he was interested he should check into it once he finished tech school. Well he went to a briefing concerning the plans for tech school and was told he could choose a different job if he wanted or wait for his school. The list of available jobs included a posting to the Presidential Honor Guard which he applied for and was accepted. So now he'll be going to Andrews AFB on Sept 26th and spend 8 weeks learning the dress and ceremonies and other things I'm not privy to. The posting is a minimum of 2 years and then he can choose to remain part of the Honor Guard or cross train to whatever he wants. He's very excited about it. When he told me I was surprised that he'd applied but not that he'd been accepted.


This post has gotten long enough and I have to get back to work but I thought I'd share this good news with my HybridZ family.



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Congrats. My family and friends felt as you did after my basic training ceremony in Cape May, N.J. Basic brings the best out of people. Glad to hear he made it through. It is quite the accomplishment. Not everyone can do it. Being in the service is a very noble thing. I am so glad that I am serving!! Congrats again.

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Congrats - Wheelman, I'll bet those "yes sir" habits last for quite a time if he's going into the Presidential Honor Gaurd.


I'm 1/2 hour from Andrews AFB. If you're ever here visiting, let me know. Oh, there's a speed shop right across the street from the main gate - it's been there since 1967. They're even opened on Sundays! Speed Unlimited. :) Air force = high performance!

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I'll definitely look you up. My wife and I plan on making as many trips to visit as we can, there are a million things to do and see there.

I also think those "Yes Sir" habits are going to last longer for him than they did for me. My understanding of his tech school is that it's a lot like basic except centers on dress, ceremony and discipline rather than just learning how to follow orders and pay attention.



What branch are you in?



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