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Lots O Porsches...


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It sure doesn't feel like spring around here, but spring fever is surely in the air. The sports cars and hot rods are coming out more and more now.


On my way into the city last night, I got caught in the middle of some kind of Porsche club returning from an event somewhere. A handful of 911's, 944's, and Boxsters. They were "catting" around, and I being my usual self..joined in! Nothing crazy on my part, some of those guys sure knew where the gas pedal was in those cars. :eek:


I hung in there with a 911, and past a couple of 944's. It was cool to see a Porsche beside me, then be..just gone.. Some surely had to be modified. Only got one thumbs up... not bad considering the Porsche guys keep to themselves.


Our club rented a track one year, that had 2 tracks on the same grounds. The Porsche club was at the other track. They really did not like us being there (we had to share the same catering facilities) So I figure one thumbs up isn't so bad.


Its looking to be an awsome year..

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I hate to be judgemental, because I'm not that kind of person, but from my exprience, anyone who joins a Porsche club is a ****ing jerk. Most people that drive Porsches are totally cool, but the ones that are so into their cars that they join a club and have meets and go racing together are elitist pricks. They feel that Porsches are the only sports car in the world, everything else is just rubbish. I have a few issues of Porsche Panorama lying around and I can't read them because the articles reek of elitism. As an example, one time me and a buddy went to watch the autocross in his supercharged 4Runner. The attendant gave us our wristbands, and we signed the liability forms, and drove in to park and watch. We were parked less than two minutes before around five guys (with one mindset) pointedly walked over and asked us to leave. Surprised, we asked what the problem was. We were parked far out of their way, were following the liability rules, and weren't disturbing anything. They insisted that we leave their parking area, one guy getting rather red in the face and starting to fuss like a little baby that the parking lot we were parked in was for Porsche club members ONLY. We told them as politely as possible that they could kiss our asses, and promptly left to go watch the general-class autocross. It's just not worth watching some cool Porsches zip around, popping flames and spinning tires, when their owners take time, effort, and energy to persuade you that you have no business associating with them if you don't own one of their cars.


Of course we all know the old joke.. "What's the difference between a cactus and a Porsche? ... On a cactus, the prick is on the outside."

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I've run my Z with BMWCCA and PCA and yes, there are some jerks in the clubs, but the vast majority I've met and raced against are regular guys through and through. Same is true of the Miata clubs and of many Z clubs.

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my buddy has a new porsche carrera, hes paying like 1500 a month for it and has two car projects that are on super hold because of it, and he drives this thing 50 miles a month because he cant afford the upkeep, im sad, he has two 70 240z's that need love badly.

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