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last night...

Guest HBZ81

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My girlfriend and I went to my friends "Jennifer and Heather's Annual Halloween Party/Dan's Birthday Party" last night. I got soooo drunk and I have a massive hangover today. My girlfriend dressed as a naughty cop and I was her escaped prisoner (I didn't want to wear a costum so I made that up)


Well here is a pic of her I took before we left...ericacop.jpg

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Sounds like someone didn't get very much sleep drunk or not. Gotta ask you though are the wrist sore and was your entire apartment stripped by the time you woke up?? I'm tellin you, you gotta watch out for females with handcuffs willing to perform strip searches...


Hope you had a blast. If you don't know drink a lot of water before you pass out or fall a sleep, I do that and have yet to have a hangover and well lets just say I don't drink lightly.



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