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turbo ECU


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Guest bastaad525

About adjusting the AFM, I can tell you this... on my car I found that I couldn't adjust very far from the stock position, in either direction, before the car started to run like crap. The most I could go was 4-5 teeth before the idle got bad and the car noticeably lost power. If you did adjust 10 teeth one way or another that's probably too much. Hopefully you marked it in the stock setting and can put it back to stock.


Unfortunately, unlike N/A ZX air flow meters, turbo afm's aren't that common.... when I had an N/A ZX it was no big deal to head to the junkyard and pick up like 3 spares for $10 a pop.


but yeah, the AFM is definately a possibility, but I still say this is all kind of weird how sometimes the problem comes and goes.

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i did put the AFM back to stock after i moved it since i marked it and all.


its more like a surge like good good good bad bad bad good good good...

it runs good and bad for a littlelong than that maybe 5-10 sec on each. but it never runs that good when good, not as good as when the FPR is off then it runs like it should for a glorius min. its a nice day oout here on the west coast so ill tinker with her for a bitlet you know how it goes later

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ok i got the feul presure gauge on today, very interesting stuff. with the vacume on the gauge reads about 30 PSI when i rev it up it goes down to 25-26. with it off it read what it should about 39 PSI when i rev it it doesnt change much about 3-5 PSI. I Have a FPR comming tommorow so i can see for sure if thats it. but from my understanding the FP should start @ 38-40 and go up as the vacume is lifted. so the 38 should be the lowest... intill tommorow i guess


can the fuel pump play a role in this also? when it was cold and the vacume was on it dropped to like 20 could the surging or on and off nature be a bad fuel pump or fuel pump wirering i guess i can check that out after i chang the FPR

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Guest bastaad525

actually, the pressure reading with the stock FPR, with the vacuum line connected, should be about 32 psi give or take 1-2psi,



With the vacuum line disconnected, it should read ~40psi.


When you rev the motor with the vacuum line connected, you should see pressure increase slightly and briefly, but then it will DECREASE, lower than the 32psi baseline, because as your motor is revving down with the throttle closed the vacuum in the manifold is higher, so it will pull fuel pressure down to mid-high 20's until the motor settles at it's idle and the vacuum pressure stabilizes.



in otherwords, sounds to me like your FPR is working fine.

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well i changed the pump and FPR today. the pump made the car run a little better the fpr didnt make it run any better since the old one was fine. The pump i put in was the doner turbo cars pump. it made the car somewhat drivable but still pops and stuff... So i guess a new pump is in order, the presre never goes up when i hit the gas it always goes down so i think there isnt enuf supply for the injectors. so ill order the pump tommorow and go from there. if that doesnt work its AFM time...

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i dont think thats it

ive put 12v from the battery to the pump and it does the same thing.

on my old Z i had to do this for the car to run, when the pump was going. when i got a new pump it ran great


i hope this is the last thing if not hello AFM, maybe i should ground it 2 a good ground 2 with the 12v.... ill need a new pump some day so i guess ill get that off my list..

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replaced the fuel pump today, ran better for a min then when i took it for a ride it died. wont build over 10 PSI pump is on but sounds funny. checked the fuel filter and blew threw it and it was fine.

put it back on and it build pressure?? then died after a brake stand very odd


the fuel damper is the last peice i can replace... what it the name of Thor and his might ax is going on?

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