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Got in a crash Thursday night!!

24 oz

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I was driving on my way to work Thursday night at 6 and I am on a 4 laned road(2 lanes in each direction) and I am in the left hand lane the cops called it the #1 lane and i was going 45, the speed limit is 40 so i wasnt going to fast, and some car making a right turn, instead of pulling out into the right lane she pulls out into the left lane right in front of me going about 10 mph and all I could do was slam on the brakes. I couldnt swerve because i would of hit the curb and gone into on coming traffic, so i slammed into the back of her going about 20mph or so and now my car is very ugly. We pulled over to the side of the road, I made sure that she was fine, looked at the damage, and called the cops. After telling all the information of what happened to the cops, they told the girl that pulled out in front of me that what she did was illegal, and I asked the cop later if it was my fault and he said no because what she did was illegal. I tried to explain what happened as best I could, its hard to explain, but the drawing that the cops drew up show it very clear and shows it was her fault. So to the damage of my car, its a 72 240z and the body WAS nice and straight. So it doesnt look like there any structural damage which is a good thing, it looks like all body damage which is good. I hit her in the front right(passenger) side becuase she wasnt fully in my lane and it smashed my bumber back around 6 inches or so, took a nice chunk out of the hood, pushed the hood back, and im not an expert on body repiar but i think the hood will need to be replaced, same with the passenger side head light louver( i think thats what its called) the driver side one is messed up too but they might be able to repair it. My front valence panel will probably need to be replaced, and the side piece (cant remember the name I'm really tired) that goes over the tire, that is bent back all the way into tire. Thats all the damage I can think of right now, I do have pictures for insurance reasons just in case and when I learn how to post pictures I will post them so you can see the damage urself. My dad and I were talking and depending on what they can fix and have to replace, we think its gonna be about $3,000 that just a guess, but I will try to get those pictures up and let everyone know what happens.

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Ya she has insurance, its not the same company, I have State Farm, and ive never heard of hers it was GMAC. but the car is insured up to 4500, which is what I got it for. The body shop I took it to is my uncles best friend, so theres no worries about it not getting fixed right. The only thing is he said hes not sure were to get parts for it, so weres the best place so I can let him know. My car would of been totalled if I didnt do my brake swap (4x4 toyota calipers) because before the swap I couldnt stop for sh!t and I barely would of got slowed down. The thing that pissed me off almost as much as my car getting messed up was that the cops didnt give her a ticket or anything, but the cops were really cool and were on my side so that makes up for it a little bit, I guess. I can finally get the few little dings I have out of my car, I dont really care if I have to pay for them, but im sure the guy will do those for free cause theres only 2 little things.

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