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Got pulled over for the first time!


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Alright, I've never been pulled over before. Only I time I do anything dumb is on off and on ramps to the freeway. Well, its more like that has been the only thing my little Honda can do (To remind all of you again, I do own a 240Z, but an unknown problem in the head needs to be fixed before I drive it again). Well, to be on with my story, my parents just bought a new 2003 Cobra and they let me drive for the second time. I was on my way to pick up my sister from a volleyball game. A brand new M3 reved on me and tried to race. I didn't take it. One, the car only has 660 miles on and secondly, I knew better for once. Then I see two cops pulled up on me and one turned on his lights. My first thoughts, "I didn't give it gas. Oh **** my parents are going to kill me, but I didn't do anything wrong." My heart was in my throat. I began to think about all the stuff Kevin and others wrote in the speeding ticket thread. All I have to say is thank you. I pointed to where I was going; the mall parking lot. I put my heads where I could see them and made sure my brother didn't look like he was getting a gun. The officer comes up and asks me if I'm some guy by the name of Greg Imbardo. Who the hell is Greg Imbardo? He then asks my brother if that's his name after I tell him I'm Ryan. He asked for ID, looked a little surprised and handed it back to me. He said they were looking for the guy who I guess owns a similar car, as they were "worried for his health." Now that I think about it, he didn't even apologize, or say have a nice day. I would have been a little more pissed if I was in my Civic, because I wouldn't have been crappin my pants. After they left, my left leg was shakin so hard I could barely back out. I couldn't control the clutch.


Just thought I'd let you know, and to say thank you for telling me how to pull over when tagged by a police officer. It kept me out of trouble and from getting a ticket just for the hell of it.

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Guest Anonymous

I've been stoped while walking, not pulled over, simply for looking hispanic (im actually half filipino) and they never said sorry. Most of the time when it happens they say they are looking for someone that fled something or other. A part of me is happy that they are out doing their job but it seriously pisses me off when something bad happens to one of our cars or our house house or even when i can't find them around when something needs to be reported. If I'm willing to put up with them stopping me all those times because i fit a broad generic description then I'd appreciate them being around when I need them. Anyways isn't that 2003 cobra the supercharged one? Why does everyone get such nicer cars than me? :( My mom wont even let me drive her crappy RAV4.

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I've been pulled over so many times, it doesn't bother me anymore. You just have to remember that the guy that has his cherries on behind you is just like you in the sense that he is a person too, and you should treat him the same way you would like to be treated, not as a cop (the guy that ruins all the good fun) or the guy with a gun. You have to see things from thier point of view. If you get jumpy and act all wierd, then some sh1t is gonna go down, but if you keep it cool, you're all good. If you're lucky, you know them or you know someone that works with them, and you can easily get out of the ticket. If you get the chance, and they aren't in a hurry, try to shoot the sh1t with them for a while, get to know thier names and what they like to do. Trust me, it comes in handy! Man, I'm just remebering when I first got pulled over, 16 years old, had my liscense for not even a week and I was in my parents minivan. I was zipping through this nieghborhood like I owned it, little did I know that a cop was TRYING to keep up with me. Eventually I saw his lights and had to pull over. What a nice guy he was, he said, "Here's the deal, I can give you a ticket for reckless driving and speeding then your insurance will go up, or I can go home with you and we can explain what you were doing with your parents." I took the latter. Went home and talked to the rents with the cop. I sure lost my driving privileges for a few weeks, but it was worth it in my opinion. I'll never forget that cop.



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I work at Starbucks, so I see some cops in there every once and a while. I once asked the officer if not stopping at a yield with a crosswalk is some sort of infraction - my friend got pulled over for this bogus deal. She then told me that she had no clue, and she did this with a little bit of attitude as I was supposedly below her. Then she says that they pull people all the time here for no reason. They are bored. Now that is some bull****. Another time I was following my friends Supra into a parking lot at about 11:00P to get a bite to eat. The cop sees us, we were maybe doing 32MPH in a 35, and decides he wants to recklessly whip a u-turn at the next light. I think he had some idea we were speeding around, because my friend's Supra has the big spoiler. So he sees us turning at the light as he catches up, swerves into to the left turn lane to come after us, but then decides were not worth it. He then goes barreling down the street, swerving dangerously right and into the intersection, like he is trying to catch someone else. Another time another officer (These are cops from my city, not the next one over) decides to come shrieking out of a residential area onto a main street right in front of the mini van. His lights were not on and he even had the nerve to give a look like it was my fault. As driving is a privilege, not a right, the same should be so with a badge. I've just had bad experiences with police around here and many of my friends have been pulled over for no reason at all. I know policemen or women are people too, but the badge is no means a reason to be a power tripping jerk. I apologize to all those police men and women who are trying to do their jobs properly, but I have yet to run into one that was on the job in this area.

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As for the Cobra, it is supercharged and fast as hell. My parents haven't had a sports car since their 1970's Celica. Finally, compliments of my grandfather's life insurance, my mom gave us the go ahead to find her a Mustang. My dad and I being the way we are, we found her the best damn Mustang they could afford. I've only got on it a little once, but it does have a lot of power. Won't be anywhere near the capabilities of my Z when that is done.

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I got my first ticket rushing to about a month after I got my license. The guy was a jerk and I was really nice and polite hoping I could get out of the ticket but no way that was going to happen it was a chp heh. 2 days later I had gotten my intake put on my car at the time. So I take a few friends behind Target and get on it a little to show them how it sounds. A nice safe place right? no one would be behind target...anyway there is a cop just sitting around the corner of the building out of view watching behind the target. I come out from behind the building going like 30 and he follows me through the parking lot till I park. (I am not suppose to have people in the car at this time...it is CA and you cant have people under 18 in your car for the first 6 months you drive.) I give him my info and the friends go into the store. He tells me he isnt going to give me a ticket but to be carefull I say ok and he leaves. Now am I wrong or can cops not give you tickets in parking lots? I have heard this alot, everyone says it is because it is private property. anyone know if this is true?

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Guest Anonymous

My buddy and I got pulled over on a cruise night in our local town by two cop cars, full lights, guns drawn, hands on the dash. Talk about loading your pants.. Turns out a robbery suspect had a similar car, we just quite cruising, it wasn't worth getting pulled over again. To make it worse, of course everyone cruising gives you crap as your being frisked and the car being searched. :rolleyes:

Good to hear it was a false alarm, but cops always increase my sphinxter tightness a bit... :D





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Your right about parking lots being private property. The cops can't do a thing to you, UNLESS they call the owner of the property you are on and tell them what happened, then if the owner wants to, they can press charges, which really sucks by the way. Like those stop signs and what not that you have to stop for at your local mall, you don't have to stop at all, as long as there isn't a person in front of you :D . It's just that if a cop see's you do this, they CAN pull you over for questioning. While on private property, use your best judgment or obey the signs. That's just the way I drive though. I am in no way telling anyone to drive like a nut.



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Guest Anonymous

Wow, I love to 2003 Cobra, JUST because it puts out 395 HP stock, think about getting an entire new exhaust system, and an air filter. Wow, 425 from just not even $1000(if you have that much left after buying the car)

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Originally posted by Ben Bob:

Wow, I love to 2003 Cobra, JUST because it puts out 395 HP stock, think about getting an entire new exhaust system, and an air filter. Wow, 425 from just not even $1000(if you have that much left after buying the car)

Heh, 425 at the WHEELS maybe smile.gif There is at least one nasty one local here - long tubes, full exhaust, intake, Lightning upper pulley, and now a bigger bottom pulley! It's had MANY drag launches on DRs and I think slicks - rear has held solid and I'm impressed by that. Can you say 11s easy?
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Guest Anonymous

I was pulled over a couple months ago, in my White 92 Maxima and a saw a cop was following me for a while so I go through a res. area and weave through the streets and he did follow me. I was very careful with street signs and speed limits esp. since the radar detector was going off. As I leave the res. area and go down a semi-main street he turns on his lights I pull over and he stays in his car for awhile, running the plates, TX plates in NM, A few minutes later he walks over to my window looks a me and inside my car and says: There is someone who drives a similar car to yours and he has a warrent for his arrest. Obvoisly your not him, so have a nice day, and Sorry for the inconveince." I had many questions for him but he walked back to his car, before I could open my mouth


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The 2003 Cobra's are nice. My dad is getting used to the speed and power, so now he wants more. He is talking about getting my mom a Mach 1 or the Boss 302 when it comes out. These are the modern ones. He wants to get my mom another one, so he can mess with the Cobra. Kenny Brown took one, upgraded the suspension with his stuff, and put bolt on power adders. He was flying past full blown race cars while he was on Street Radials

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Take what you read in some of the Mustang mags with a grain of salt - trust me on this.


Repeat this to your Dad - Exhaust, Intake (filter etc.), Lightning upper pulley. Have someone install those parts on the Cobra and you will pick up MAJOR power. For a little more power add a performance chip but it will likely void the warranty and you'd want to remove that Lightning pulley before any dealer visits too.

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I not only read this on the Kenny Brown site, but they have a video up to prove it. Blows by a good C5 that looked to have some stuff done to it. Yah, I know about the exhaust, headers, pulley, etc. I've seen some dyno charts with upwards of a 25% power gain with a chip. I'm not sure how true they are though. Anyways, it still is my mom's car. She didn't like it at first, as it was a little dificult to drive compared to her automatic Corolla. Now, she too is finding the power very addictive. She just doesn't see the necesity of having more yet. We did get the shifter, though. Hopefully, we will get that in tomorrow. I also have to figure out how to mount a front sway bar to my 1991 Civic hatch when it originally never had one. Maybe I'll get the head pulled on my Z tomorrow. I'm tired of driving around the no power Civic. Need Z!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually cops can pull you over anywhere, public or private property does not matter. The only reason I know this is beacuse I work for the fire dept. and work with cops every day. I did ems on a guy that swore up and down that the cops couldnt touch him on his own property and began to fight with the officer (not a good move).

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  • 1 month later...
Guest ScaryFast

I consider myself very lucky. I have had a few close calls but have yet to be pulled over in my bright orange and loud 240z. I pulled into supermarket parking lot and wipped out a four wheel drift in a patch of sand in the road, just as a cop was pulling out of his space. I was lucky that he was looking down at something and didn't see me flying sideways int the lot. You just have to find some entertainment when your job involves driving around all day without a radio.

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just yesterday me and my friends, scott and steve, were riding around in scotts '01 mustang GT. we saw 3 pretty girls in a focus and followed them. we turned down a neighborhood street and were going under 35 I think. this guy with a leaf blower runs out in the middle of the street and we had to swerve not to hit him. we get around the next corner and the girls pull over and we get a number and all that. we are about to leave and this big 'ole v10 truck comes barreling around the corner infront of us and he prolly hit 50 down the street then comes to a sideways skidding stop almost hitting the mustang. its the guy with the leaf blower! he jumps out and flashs a badge yelling "SUPRISE A**HOLE!" (he musta been a retired cop I think) then proceeds to reach inside the car and grab scotts cell phone (which had dead batteries) and pretend to call the cops. we all knew the batteries were dead and he made himself look pretty dumb by doing that. he talked into it and everything...we had a pretty good laugh afterwards. anyway, he chewed us out for awhile then left. now my point behind the story is this cop was doing way more dangerous stuff than us and has the nerve to chew us out. it just makes me mad. but it ended well...no ticket and we still got the girl's numbers and plan a tripple date this weekend heh.

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Guest Philanthr0py

This is in no way any kind of bragging, but i've been pulled over well over 100 times in my life. I grew up in LA, and if you drove a slammed import, expect the same. Anyhow, as long as you don't have any broken lights or visible vehicle violations, just treat a cop as if he was some regular shmuck in the streets. Cops will always try to put words in your mouth to get you in trouble, that's what they seemed to be trained to do... just remember, NEVER REACH DOWN TO GET ANYTHING! I got rolled on by a undercover cop once for "obstructing traffic" because the car was lowered so i had to drive very slow up the store driveway. The undercover high-beamed me and I got pissed so I reached down to open the trunk (to get my baseball bat) and he ran out and pulled a gun to my head while I was on my way out. IMO, cops are trained to be jerks no matter what you say, being too nice is just an opportunity for them to meet the "quota" that cops say they don't have.... SCREW COPS! I can type for days letting go the anger I have for cops. Now when I see cops in the street, I just look them in the eye and go about my drive. If you look scared, you'll get harrassed.

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