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Goodbye to my Houston Z friends! back to florida i go....

Guest ON3GO

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Guest ON3GO

Leaving for Florida this weekend coming up.

Long story short my mom and dad and grandma all go sick, my dad asked me to come back for a few reasons and i said sure.

my mom is having to pretty much take care of everybody and work and on top of this she is having neck problems.

my grandma is getting real old and she is sick... and smoking while on oxygen... ya can we say KABOOM!!!

i wanna come back to houston as i like it here but i dunno whats in store for me when i get there and in the future...

im bring the scion and blue Z back with me, everything else i have im selling/leaving here.

my blue Z still isnt done but its close enough and me and the houston Z guys are still tuning it untill right before i leave.

having some small problems when i up the boost... misses up top....


anyways ill deff miss my friends i have here, and also my job which i love.

J, and Ted i owe alot too, they have helped me like mad...

we all have so many of each others parts on our Z's its not even funny lol.

ill also miss Ed as he and i got real close and he did alot of work on my Z, which looks amazing, not bad for somebody younger then me!

olie... u rock dude, thanks man! saved me on that dizzy problem!

kracker... bastard... you just now start showing ur face and now i gotta leave.

Camron.. i hope ur "montie SS" fools everybody... ha.

Jeff.. dude sucks we didnt see each other more, but ill never forget my ride in ur V8 Z! i mean my Z has alot of tourque but no way no how is it delievered like ur's!!!!! wow that was fun going mad sideways!

steven.. ill keep u updated on those wide wheels u want so bad :)..


chris.. my buddy now in DFW.. u suck. i had the most fun hanging out at ur place working on Z's.... i learned more from you then anybody and i still want ur Z... remember i call dibs if you sell it (if you do ur a moron).. keep in touch with me.. i lost ur damn number!!


im sure im missing other ppl, if so im sorry, but ill stay in touch.


i hope i atleast have some fun while im in florida, i know Garrett said he would meet me and run my Z... which he will rip it a new one...

all my friends i have in my home town all left or have busy new lives now, so ill be bored and will prob just blow up my blue Z just to rebuild it again lol.


anyways i wont be online for awhile, prob not till mid of next week when im home and settled in.


so thanks houston Z'ers and good friends, stay in touch!!



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dude if you have time before you leave, you wanna go to track 21? I know we said we would go but we never did... and i gotta get my track times up so i can be a driver for FSAE!!


ps. we never did the all houston z's meet!

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Guest ON3GO

ya im game.. ill be free friday night if u want..

i wont lap u to bad.. im pretty close of being the rap record and came in 2nd in the last enduro thay had.. ill so miss that place.



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Leaving for Florida this weekend coming up.


HIP! HIP! HOORAY!!!:mrgreen: Nah i'm just messing with you mike. Sucks to see you leave. Especially since we finally have all three turbo z's running. But you gotta take what life throws at ya. I hope your mom' date=' pop, and grandma get well soon. I sure will miss all of us going out prowling the streets. You have fun in the sun and get laid in the shade down in Florida. I know you said you would be back but when do you think it will be? Hopefully by then i'll be able to return the head gasket I stole from you:mrgreen: [/size']

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Guest 73Turbo240z

just leave your toolbox at my place, that'll make sure you come back to Houston... not to mention you know the box doesn't have a prayer in hell of carrying it.


aside from that, like i said, offer stands if you need to leave some stuff here bro, look at it as not leaving, but taking a break from houston for a bit... leave a few larger ticket items in our care, and your folks have no reason to keep you longer than is needed in florida so you can reach your end goal of coming back to Houston.

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dont worry mike i'll keep ya busy with my z.

i dont have alot of time to play with it because as you know i am working in orlando and only get to see the car once or twice a month.

i'll be moving(working) to bradenton this summer and its only 30 minutes from the house.

i now have a running v8z btw!:trippen:

check it out!


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