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Almost Got Shot This Weekend!


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Guest norm[T12SDSUD]

Dude, Newark has got to be one of the most dangerous cities in America and I also believe it to be the car theft capital at one time.

There would be no way I would walk the streets of Newark without a gun.

BTW, I once got off at the wrong exit a couple miles from Newark in Linden NJ and I didn't have a gun. I'm glad it wasn't night time.

That place is scary enough in the daytime and I can't imagine what it would be like at nightime unarmed!

A city should NOT be allowed to trample over the 2nd amendment and take away your right to effective self defense!


If someone is shooting at me I want to be able to at least have the means to shoot back.

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This is a funny story. I had a friend, girl from Montana, that went elk scouting with me. I bow hunt so it's in the rut, kinda hot but normal for august. She's an anti gun type so bow hunting is OK. We are sitting there on the top of the mountain, I have my pack and we are at the edge of a meadow. Really nice views and we are sitting there eating lunch and taking in the beauty of gods creations. I had my .45ACP colt 1911 in my pack down in the bottom and she had given me alot of crap for taking it along. But I said, you never know when you'll need it cause there's things in the woods that can and will kill you cause you look yummy! She says, "Yeah right!!!"


So, she looks up and says "Oh, look here comes a cow." I look and say, honey that ain't a cow, that's a bear. Bears can't see well, so it sauntered right up to about 50 feet of us. All the while she's starting to panic. It got right up to us and stood up, which is a bad thing cause it knew we were there. She starts screaming, "shoot it", "shoot it". I was trying to dig out my .45, but her screaming scared it off.


Later, on the way home she was real nervous, kept looking over her shoulder for that bear. We were walking along and got to a clearing and I just said "Oh ****" and hauled *** running. She panics and starts yelling "Shoot it you dumb ***", "Shoot it"!!! Anyway, I hope that isn't political, just funny.

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Had a friend that got in a close call with a grizzly. Him and his buddy when fishing and they setup camp. there was this bear that just would pace back and forth near the treeline and this whent on all day. Finally the bear got enough courage to go in to there stuff (while they were out fishing) and when they got back the bear was gone.


They knew that the bear was still around because bears don't really leave if there is still food around, so they took there fish near the treeline where they parked. When sure enough the bear comes back and goes to where the tent was adn then spots them. the bear was like 50 feet away and starts charging them. Now a grizzly can run 35 mph, now that with a 50ft = not alot of time.


My friends brought a semiauto shotgun, a beretta, and a glock. They start unloading on the bear and run out so my friend starts shooting at it with the shotgun and manages to shatter its shoulder. It falls and he still is unloading (shotgun was loaded with alternating buck shot, and slugs).


After my friend tells his buddy that a bears gulbladder can go for $10k in the asian market (My friend is korean and his buddy is white) so his buddy cuts it open and tries digging for it. When the rangers come, they find him covered in blood and they explained what happend. lol


hand guns do nothing to bears, the bullets litterally bounce off if you try to shoot at the head and a bear can last 30sec-1min if shot in the heart. A lot of time for the bear to do some damage.


Just a story that I've had (not directly) invovling guns.

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