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HELP! Spindle pin bushings!!!!!

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Okay, first - I've not ever done this. However since you're desperate I'll impart a little of what I've read concerning this here and elsewhere.


Yeah, you've probably got some rust in there. That's supposed to be one of the hardest parts to dissassemble so don't feel too bad. If you beat it with a hammer it may break or bend things - you may trash threads too. Coat it with oil, coat it again, wait awhile and coat it again. Tap lightly with a hammer to help get the oil in - don't beat on it! Others have made fixtures to draw the pin out by screwing down that nut but not having done this I can't describe it. IMO I might consider a little heat from a torch when I get to that but be careful as you don't want to effect the heat treating - warming it may wick in the oil though. I've heard some people speak of using a press but you HAVE to set it up properly or you WILL bend something! Support it well if you use a press and move slowly. Take your time on this one and I'd slather that sucker with high temp anti-sieze afterwards. You might even have to put new pins in - I expect to wire wheel and polish mine before they go in with some serious greasing!


I've got this job ahead of me and I dread it. I've eyeballed that area, nothing more. Check out Zcar.com 's archives on this and you'll find lot's of anguished cries like yours. Read some of the solutions, in fact read a bunch. If you find a way that works well for you PLEASE post about it so other's can learn. I've done a bunch of the bushings back there and have more to go - I figure I may just drop the whole rear suspension and do EVERYTHING including R200 swap and brakes at once to get it over with. Solid Us are on order already...


Good luck!

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Go and read "Seperating Rear Lower control Arms and stub axle" in this forum at: http://[/url]


I posted a response to this there.


I know, it's no fun pulling that pin!



Pete Paraska - 73 540Z - Marathon Z Project - pparaska@home.com">pparaska@home.com -

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dang thats not good news

I'll guess I'll just put alot of panther piss on them every day and use some light heating with the torch till they give.

I will most likely order new pins from motorsports as these are allready somewhat dinged from the hammer.

I just hope I can get the old ones out without messing up something else...


THANX for the Help





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Guest Anonymous

Scarp, I've removed thes pins on several cars and have yet to have one of the pins survive. The pins are avalable from Nissan.

The last car a disassembled went pretty smooth. I pre purchased pins, Used a torch on both controlarm ends. Thats where it seemed to be binding up. I also used alot of WD40 and yes the pin should spin so if it doesn't start with some heat (i used a propane torch) then with the nut on one side start spinning it. I put my impact on it and let it spin real good but if you don't have air tools a ratchet should work fine. Then the last step is to beat the piss out of it with a BIG hammer. I used my 48oz ballpean. Don't worry about bending any thing, everything back there is strong. Now i did have mine removed from the car and that allowed nice big swings. But before beating on it make sure its spinning freely. If you mushroom the end it will make removal even harder.

Good Luck,


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OK I had to stop before I screw something up

I thought before I put my r200 w/Quaife back in that I would do the rear w/ Energy susp. bushings. things went fine till I got to the spindle pins and I cant get them suckers out

I'm not sure if there rusted in or what but I have beat and beat on them and before I destroy them I thought I might get some help here...

any clues guys ???

do I need to take the whole assembly out and put them on a press???



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