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Z32 NA to VG30DET Conversion?

Guest Jimwestzx

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Guest Jimwestzx

Hi Guys


I'm hoping you can give me a little help or point me in the right direction.


I live in the UK and currently have a 92' z32 NA and fancy doing something a bit different. Basically I like the idea ofconverting my engine to the VG30DET Single turbo – this engine is impossible to find in the UK so i have very little info so far and am a bit stuck.


I believe these engines run fairly low PSI so would I be able to just convert my existing engine by bolting on the Plenum, manifold, turbo etc... and using stock internals or do i need the whole lump?


As i'm in the UK it would be cheaper to import the parts form Australia or Japan rather than the whole block, plus my current block is 100% and it seems a waste to just discard it for what could be a tired engine.


Anyway if anyone can give me a bit of help and advice it will be much appriciated! :)

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I assume you've already hooked up with the www.zclub.net folks? They can provide some excellent insight into options for your Z32. I have to also ask - Why not go with the more conventional Z32TT route? You can just get a complete front clip and do the conversion. It would give you more initial HP and probably cost less - not to mention that parts would be more readily available.

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Guest zeeman1972

Jimwestzx, if you are interested I have a complete 300ZXT engine and gearbox plus loom if you want it for sale in the UK, south coast to be precise. Please let me know if you would be interested?


The car its in now is totalled (please see link) and I have only bought it for it's axle and halfshafts for my LS1 S30 conversion. I started her up last night, runs fine, with great oil pressure.







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Guest zeeman1972
Rob / Steve' date='

AHA! You guys do lurk around this site! Looking for some more posts on your projects. You guys aren't letting work or other projects get in the way of completing the Z's, are you?:burnout:[/quote']



Hi Bill,


Yes I must put my hands up, I am the 'distraction kid' at the moment in the last 7 months I have acquired 3 83 280ZX's and 1 300ZXT althought the 300ZXT was specifically acquired for its lovely CV halfshafts and also its intercooled diff setup if I ever need it!!! In my defence I am still waiting for my headers and air ducting to arrive from JTR before I crack on:redface:


More updates soon I hope!

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Jim - Sorry mate - looks like I kind of highjacked your thread. I know the Zclub.net guys - two of them posting already on this thread - can really help you out. If you haven't been on the site by now you will be greatly impressed by what they are doing.


Steve - last I was at Johns (about 2 months ago - he had a set of headers in stock looking for a home. Not sure about the air duct, though.

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Indeed, sorry for the hijack Jim ;) But I reckon we can get you sorted one way or another!


Steve, what exactly is the master plan behind hording all the ZXs in the UK anyway? Ans where the heck are you getting them all from, it's not like they come up for sale that often?!!




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Guest zeeman1972

Yes err Sorry Jim:redface:


Bill, cheers for the note, I think my headers are on the water at the moment, I really wanted the ceramic coated ones so I went the JTR route, traitor, I know!


Rob, ah well they sort of found me! Probably too longer tale to tell here and further dilute Jim's thread. I'll PM you on the other side:burnout:

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