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Very good day

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I know i havnt posted here much but I just have to say ,its been a good day.

I drove my Z around today for the first time. I've driven it around the block before, but today I started driving it on a regular basis. So what does a 17 year old with a 300hp car that weighs as much as a honda civic do on his first day of driving it? Well, first I took it on the freeway with my freind in his 4th gen V6 camaro following me, he didnt even have a chance. Then I followed my brother in our 01 mustang GT, again, not even close. Not to mention I tore down a ford 302 for my brothers 66 mustang project. Very good day. I love this car.

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Sorry to be a stick in the mud... but...


Keep your racing on the track. Too much fun on the freeway and you wont have the car very long... Also, highway hot-doggin' causes accidents, which drives up insurance rates on these cars, gives the hot rodding hobby a bad name, and ultimately leads to many legislative attempts to kill this hobby.


Congratulations on your maiden voyage.

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Congrats of your first "recreational" (as opposed to "diagnostic") drive. It's a wonderful feeling, no doubt about it.


What, uh, Mr. foof says is true, do your best to keep it under control. But, that said, It's Good To Be King, isn't it?

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Good deal, they just don't want you to become a statistic! Some folks never have driven a powerful car can let it get away from them especially on the maiden voyage!





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