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Bring Z down to bare metal, what type of blasting, etc...

Guest ON3GO

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Skipzoomie: I called those guys you posted and they said they don't acid dip car bodies. From there name I kind of figured it was a blasting outfit. I know of some local places that will blast a car body (Palm Beach County, FL)... thanks anyhow.... rats

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an acid dip with a bath in neutralizing solution followed by a few days of letting the solution weep out, and then an electro paint coating I think it is ERG coating that is a base primer that works almost like a reverse of the acid dipping. it totaly seals every inch of the surface, it is what is used on new cars coming off the assembly line.

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Before I sprayed the car with WD40 I called a car painter friend. He specifically told me to use WD40 and begged me not to spray it with any primer. He says he gets cars in that have been sprayed poorly with junk primer and he has to strip the car. Its much easier for him to have his laborers wipe the car down with PrepSol to get the WD40 off.


Does anyone know how long a bare metal car can survive in this condition? I might be doing something like this soon, but I'm not sure how long before the car will be primed.....


And for sake of conversation, here in the bay area there is a company that will strip an entire car (interior, exterior, and undercarriage) for $600-700 depending on the size of the car using a media blaster. If you really want to save some cash on labor costs I would suggest building a rolling cradle for the stripped down unibody. That way you won't have to pay for unecessary labor for the shop to remove and then reinstall your suspension pieces to get the car rolling from one place to the next. I'm in the middle of building one now. It should be too hard to do.

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