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On Center Turbine Hsg Availability?


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Was considering GT35, but only available in tangential turbine housings and with CCW feed the turbo offsets 2.5" toward fender which is too much; it will hit the brake distribution block, which I could relocate, but I still don't think it will fit. I am using old BAE turbine inlet pipe designed for TO4 foot.


I could use the L28ET exh manifold, but that TO3 flange sure looks small. Then it will run hotter being tucked under the intake more. And then what do you guys do for a wastegate? Arghh! I may be stuck with this slow to spool H3 and limited to 400 HP.


I may be relegated to using the 60-2 instead, since Turbonetics said the on center is available. I wonder how much it will compromise the effy?

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Urgh, it is. Don't do it. Do anything else.


Quote from Garrett:


Using an on-center housing will significantly lower the turbine's efficiency. This results in increased turbo lag, more backpressure, lower engine volumetric efficiency, and less overall engine power. No Garrett OEM's use on-center housings.


Good enough for me!



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Thanks mate, I was afeared of this. My supplier sang same song. Now I know why my turbine backpress is so high. Oh boo hoo. What's a fella to do.


I guess I'll have to use the OEM exh manifold and cobble an ext wastegate. Sounds ugly.


What's this about Euro manifold? Where and how much?

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Steam pipe bends, straight, and some laser cut flanges.

Do it properly, do it yourself. :)


Even if you just tack it and then get a pro to weld it up properly that way you can get everything exactly where you want it.


I'm not a welders bootlace and I've got maybe half of mine done before I realised I'd made a mistake. Note to self, mock it up IN the car WITH the engine, not just in your head. ;)



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Not sure on that one, gut instinct would say no. You could probably weld on a sandwich plate adaptor but it would be inefficient again (small T3 back up to larger T4 then nozzle down in the housing).


Do you really need a TO4 flange? The GT3582R comes in T3 flange, the GT4088R and upwards come with T4 flange, but you can get TO4Z (new GT design 800hp garrett HKS TO4Z reproductions) still in T3 flange http://www.horsepowerinabox.com/HPIAB2/prod382.htm (I think).



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