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Speeding Ticket

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Well on my way to the college this morning I was driving my Z. That’s right my foot turns to pure lead when I get in my baby. While traveling 90 in a 55 on SR34 in OHIO I become spotted and pulled over to receive my first reckless op. :) Court date is next Thursday might lose my license so this sucks but it’s my fault and just want to rant about it.






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what a drag...


I really want to ge ta radar detector, for that extra peace of mind, but i have a feeling I will probably just get over confident. If I ever got a ticket AND i had a radar detector, I would be really po'd.

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Well on my way to the college this morning I was driving my Z. That’s right my foot turns to pure lead when I get in my baby. While traveling 90 in a 55 on SR34 in OHIO I become spotted and pulled over to receive my first reckless op. :) Court date is next Thursday might lose my license so this sucks but it’s my fault and just want to rant about it.








why are u going to lose ur licence? is this ur first offence? is ur licence provsinal (dont think i spelled that right)

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different states write their speeding laws different.in california anything 20 mph over the posted speed can get you a reckless charge.but it is up to the officer as to how he writes up the ticket.they usually dont do this unless you really do something stupid .the freeways run at 75 to 80 in the fast lane here.so you have to check your mirrors and look back up the onramps.so a really good hybrid z can get you in trouble quick.i just got mine back on the road after a year long upgrade.its hard to keep your foot out of it when it runs too good.

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I've been talking to some people and I don't see why I would lose my license. But I'm hoping that I can just wave my day in court buy singing something and saying I'm guilty. I hope because I start my new job monday and don't want to ask for time off on the first week.






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I'm from MA, got a 94 in a 55.... $365 ticket. This was when I was 16 too! Went to the court with my mom, got yelled at by the judge, and they lowered it to $75, but the yearly insurance additions sucks...


BTW, I had a K40 undetectable radar.... work great during the day, but at night time cops will wait to see headlights and then take your reading when it's too late.. I found out the hard way.

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