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Tranny Fill Plug STUCK!


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I can't get my tranny fill plug out. It is completely rounded off... and it is in there TIGHT! I've tried just about everything but heating it up. Does anybody have any recomendations?


If your recomendation is to heat it up - please give me some instruction. I know the aluminum housing will expand a lot faster than the steel plug, but I don't want to mess anything up. Will the oil catch fire? Thanks for your help!

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I cut a large diameter bolt and welded it to the plug with the MIG on a customers' car that was rounded out like yours. As far as I know, it is still in there. It is easier to put a wrench on the large hex head and turn it out.


Good luck



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Reverse switch hole... GREAT IDEA! I can't believe I didn't think of it.


I'll more than likely have to remove the tranny in the near future anyways... The drain plug had a few steel synchro teeth when I removed it. I'll more forcefully address removal of the actual fill plug then... Gotta love buying an old car!

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depending on how much thread is sticking out from the case on the plug you can get a socket 'easy out' to grab ahold on the outside and it should come right out. You'll probably have to replace it though. I had to do this on the rearend plug.

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Do those things actually work? You are talking about those things that have a whole bunch of nail-looking things in them - and they push down around the thing you are trying to get out? I'm halfway scared of putting so much on it that I break the case.

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Not that, they are hardened sockets w/ helical 'teeth' that as you turn counter clockwise to loosen the bolt, they grip harder and harder till the bite is good enough to start loosening the offending nut/bolt, whatever. I bought a set from SEARS, they rock...


You won't break that case! :) This weekend when I was tearing mine down, there is a big fat locater screw on the opposite side of the drain plugs that seemed to be cemented in, but I had to remobve to the the trans appart. It ended up taking a 2 foot cheater to break it loose! Good luck

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