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WOOO HOOO!! made it! Im an official member...


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hey all..... I just got my MS&S_E up and running on my 1980 280ZX. I have a 260Z camshaft (256* as opposed to 248 or even 240 for some ZX's), 60mm TB, 2.5" exhaust, mildly ported maxima N47 head giving me about 11.4:1 compression. (soon to be running a fully ported MN47 and 40MM ITB set-up).


I installed a 280ZXT distributor on my car to run the Spark portion. excellent write ups by Moby and Lost Soul on the DIY auto tune site. Im using the VB921 to control the coil directly from my V3.0 board, which I built myself. I modified a 1982 280ZX harness to work with all the stock relays and fusible links and all of the stock plugs. Im using the AFM wires for the ignition control, since I dont need that anymore! LOL!!!! that took a LOT of time with a crappy wiring diagram and a multimeter.


I am using Gavins map (L28E STOCK) as of right now, except I modified it to fit the 12x12 tables. Im using the spark map that came loaded in MS&S_E for right now, just to get it running. Max advance is set to 34*.


It was enough to fire it up and keep it running with light feathering on the gas. My IAT and O2 sensors seem dead. should the O2 be working right from the get go, or does it have to warm up first? IAT is probably just dead dead.


I had a slight problem at first. crank and no fire and the injector light was staying on. rechecked the wiring to the CAS dist and found that I wired a light green wire with a white stripe where a light green wire with a light yalloy stripe should have gone. basically, there was no power going to the CAS. rewired that and fired RIGHT up!


now begins the tuning..... oh joy!!!

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congratulations I hope I can get to that point with my 240zt



Can you tell me how you hooked up your coil, I can't get my v3.0 to fire the coil. Do you have both of the pull up resistors as shown in DYI. write up, also it said to not use the G/Y wire but instead us the G/B wire. Are you saying you used the G/Y wire for your tack signal?

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280ZXT wiring


I have it wired up just like it is shown on this page. except when I started it initially, I had the positive side of the coil going right to the positive side of the battery. its just temporary to make sure it works tho. THe positive side of the coil is getting wired to the fuel pump relay.


EDIT: to be a little more clear..... the wiring problem I had at first was on the harness side, not the distributor side.


ALso, this is a question for anyone else out there who can answer....


Im using a Z31 chopper wheel, you know, the one with one window bigger than the rest... will this affect anything? It felt a little lumpy, but I think I may have fouled out a plug trying to start it when I had no power going to the CAS and the injector light was stuck on. smelled a bit like gas......

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