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Helium Tire Idea


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I would love to have a nitrogen bottle for my track gear... I just don't have an enclosed trailer for that kind of gear...


There are several groups runnnig Nitrogen in their tires that I change tires for... The times I paid attention.. I recall seeing 2 valve stems... Most of the teams have us mount the tires using our dessicant dried air supply.. then they purge them at their trailers...




Me at the balancer.... PBOC Sebring c.Jan06






Here is what makes those wheels go round and round...








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Guest azimiut

my first post....


anyhow, i dont know about costcos in other states, but I used to work at a costco here in Scottsdale, AZ, and we filled ALL tires with nitrogen. we had a machine in the back, like a big filter that would seperate the nitrogen from the air and store it in another cylinder. I have run nitrogen in my tires on my subaru(for sale...) and its been forever since i have had to fill them up.


the reason we were told and to tell the customer is that nitrogen does not seap out of the rubber unless you have a leak, it does not expand or contract with temp as much because it does not have moisture in it also.


so go check your costco. when i go to the track i go back there and have them fill up a 25gal tank for me just in case i might need it.

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