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Brake Booster, Servo, where can I get one

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Does anyone know a good place to get a new or used brake booster?? Mine went out, so I either need to fix mine, or get a new one, and new ones are $200, and there is a 260Z and a bunch of 280ZX's at the local junkyard, which ones are interchangeable?? Or if someone could just tell me how the heck to open mine up because I have tried everything. I know it somehow twists open. Please help me out, I'm w/ out a car right now and I don't want to have to spend a bunch of money to get it goin again! Are there universal ones that fit?? Thanks

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I am not trying to dispute what Ian just said but there was a thread in the last week or two where a guy took his apart and repaired / refurbished it. It does indeed split open by turning it. He said he clamped it in a vise and used a giant screwdriver to turn the top half off the bottom. I believe a source for a rebuild kit was also posted and it was cheap compared to a new / rebuilt unit. I think there is a big spring inside so be careful. I would find the thread for you but I'm at work right now and kind of busy... search!


EDIT: why is this thread in the L6 forum?

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there are a bunch of "clips" that hold the two peices together, you just have to bend them out of the way, and it comes apart.


I just recently bought a new one from Autozone.. no complaints so far (have about 3k miles on it). I would have rebuilt my old one, but couldnt source the re-build kit...


You can drive your car without the booster, just plug the vacuum line. I drove with mine disconnected for 2 weeks... just remember that you have to press HARD to slow down.

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I'm just going by seeing the pictures in the workshop manual. Its good to know that they can be taken apart easily, thanks. Though would it be easier to replace it if you can get hold of one rather take the non-working one apart? I don't know, as I have not done it....



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