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Roll Cage-Cant deside

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

While reading a letter here I found a web site that has a 10 point for $300.00 or so

but when I called they want to send a letter with car messurement questions. Than I posted another letter at a differnt site and

only got two responces. One said I should have a profession install it.

Is this that big a deal or not?

I want structure support and safty.

Im working on installing a V8 300-350 HP.

I dont plan on racing it but Im sure it will

get driven hard once in a while.....

Any information is appreciated.



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Guest Anonymous

Huh? Why would it cause trouble? It can be inconvient, but it's not illegal, won't make you fail any inspections, or anything like that.

Whether it is inconvient and gets in the way of things depends on how it's made. Custom or pre-made, and more importantly, how much care is put into installing it.

Spend the bucks on it and do it right and you'll be happy. If you don't, you will very likely be dissatisfied with the results.







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Do a search on Roll cages and read the files on this topic. I had a street driven Solo2 racer that was the middle car of a three car sandwhich and the cage was what saved my life. It isn't inconveniant if you have it made by a race car fabricator and have them work with you closely. Biggest complaint you will get from anyone is climbing over door bars if you have them installed.


I have a tubing bender, nother, and a mig welder and am in the process of upgrading my current cage. I highly recommend them, as they do several things to the car: they make it safer in collisions and they also add to the stiffness of the car and enhance the handling of the vehicle!






"I will not be a spectator in the sport of life!"



[This message has been edited by Mikelly (edited February 13, 2001).]

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