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Introduction and prospective buy?

Guest yenningcomity

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Guest yenningcomity

Evening all, I am 19 and currently living in Indianapolis. At the moment I drive a 1995 Toyota Celica ST which while a great reliable car it isn't very fast. After owing it over a year and a half I have decided against modifying it due to cost and the fact that I need it everyday. I am going to community college next year, but parents are paying for it and my apartment so my expenses shouldn't prove too bad, but I do not want to pay for an overly expensive car. Right now my prospects are a CRX, Opel GT, and Z-car. I would prefer to get a car running for less then 1k, it doesn't have to be pretty or that comfortable a ride but run (even if it is roughly).

My experience with cars was transportation processes last year and doing minor things on my car (changing the head gasket etc). Not looking to do an engine swap anytime soon, but I think I have enough time and patience to fix up a car. If not I have a few friends that are willing to help with alot more experience then I. The only problem is I have 0 tools right now, which will soon be changing. Now after having said all that here is my prospective buy. I have a feigning intersest mainly seeing how its a 280z and I would prefer a 240z, but it sold for 400 before. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1977-Datsun-280-Z-5-speed_W0QQitemZ4652974999QQihZ002QQcategoryZ6187QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

It is about 50 miles from me which isn't a problem to drive out and see it before I bought it, but I have no way to get it back home. I might be able to find a friend with a truck and a bed, but otherwise towing would negate the low price. Still, thought I'd ask you guys if it was worth going out to look at it or if I should move on to greener pastures?

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Definitely worth a look. Heres a pic of the car I got on Ebay for $260.....




As long as it looks better than this one, you're doing good :) The ad for the one you posted says that all the carpet is gone. Thats actually a plus if you ask me. After almost 30 years, you really don't want the factory carpet anyway. Looks like there will be lots of Bondo up near the headlights and airdam because a lot of body seams and gaps have been filled in from the looks of it.


Is your total budget $1000? If so, I'd leave at least $400 of that for parts to get the car running and driving right.



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The floors are more than rusty. The floors are completely gone. The driver's side has been patched (and badly I might add) with a flat piece of of sheet metal. No way that thing hasn't been weakened structurally. My guess is there are no underside pics for a reason.


As for the rest of the body I would really worry what is under all the recent orange paint.


I thought 77's were fuel injected?


Probably not a bad car for the right price. BUT, if you are worried about the price of a tow upseting your budget, then you simply do not have enough money to get that thing on the road. The price of the car and a set of tires will eat up your $1000. You will have to deal with that rust issue. And do you have safety inspections in Indiana? Will the car pass without bumpers? Does it just need a fuel pump, or is the tank all sludged up with varnish?


You need to look at the car in person and take pics of the key rust areas. Check for bondo too.

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Guest yenningcomity

If it has been patched badly I might as well pass. If it was a 240 I would probably have still gone out there, but I am not in a hurry so I will just keep looking.

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