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Photoshop for Z's


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Guest ZFury

I like those squisheys. The secret being having a background pic with out the car. :icon14:


I dont do much in P.S. due to lack of powerful plug-ins. Here is a pic I did. I was thinking about doing this paint job.

16lfds7.jpg to this 16lfapu.jpg

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hey everybody, just had some time to pop in here. I just thought it's your guys' right to know why I haven't gotten much done yet. I'm in the middle of constructing a website for my grandpa who builds custom hot rods in California, so the little spare time I have is pretty much taken up by that right now. I should have that done pretty soon, but don't get your hopes too high if you're expecting your chop this week. So, sorry for the delay, life stinks.

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If you really want to, thats cool. I would use any money I get for my Z. I figured if anybody had a particulary large project, I could charge for it, but the little things are so simple I figured no one would want[/i'] to pay for anything if I did charge. Of course, if I do a paid job, needless to say, it will have a pretty high priority.


Thank you for your response.

How about a pure frontal shot of a air damed first gen. Photo taken at about headlight high. Then squashed atouch, and widened a touch?

No background?

Not a problem?

Then I would like to submit a car owned by another member and have the color changed and stripes added. It's paint time! Want to get a visual.

What do you think? You can PM me if you would like.

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I like those squisheys. The secret being having a background pic with out the car. :icon14:


I dont do much in P.S. due to lack of powerful plug-ins. Here is a pic I did. I was thinking about doing this paint job.

16lfds7.jpg to this 16lfapu.jpg


cool look, but a burning US flag on your ride might not be the best of ideas....

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Guest ZFury

If you like sports cars you probably like flame paint jobs, and everyone likes the american flag. So I just put them together, like peanutbutter & jelly. :o It is one of those artistic renderings that is what ever you think it is, sort of abstract. :cool:

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ok, goodish news. I've finished my summer course, so I'll be at home all day for a week as far as I know, which means the time it takes to finish the webpage will decrease drastically, and I'll be able to finally get to work on some of the requests I've gotten.

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I deleted 7 posts on this thread. It was interesting enough to this point that I decided not to delete the whole thread. Those involved can consider themselves warned. No political discussions on Hybridz, and that includes terrorism.

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