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LC-1 02-sensor


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I can't megesquirt (megetune)to communicate with my LC-1 wide band, I have try setting it in the ini file but it still does not work. The sensor read when I pull up the log work gage on my laptop. It reads 22.3 afr. lane.I did the free air calibration when I installed the sensor, and have reset it a few times still can get megesquitr to communicate with the sensor. When I pull up the real time display, and the VE table 1 in the tunning tab everything reads except the 02. Would anyone have any idea why megesquirt is not communicate with the Lc-1.

Also just got the car running when the boost start to come on the car pings, at aroung 2psi. and aroung 3300 rpms. if I stay out of the boost the car runs fine, another problem is the car idles for a while (about2-2.5 mins.)and then stops


Info on my set up

76-N42 BLOCK


8.5 compression


370CC Ijectors

supra intercooler

3" ext.


blow off vavle

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I just did this the other day, but I can't find the post on MS's forums for the exact instructions. But basically what you will need to do is:


1. use LM programmer to program one of the analog outputs to do 0-5 volts, 10-20 afr. So 0 volts = 10:1, 5 volts = 20:1.


2. install a 440 ohm resistor between the analog output you're using and MS.


3. use the configurator to change the O2 sensor for your car's profile to the innovative 0-5volt 10-20 sensor.


4. Select wideband from the exhaust gas settings when running MS


That should be all you need to do. If the gauge is still acting weird, check it when innovative's data logger app to see what it's reading. If you don't see a reasonable AFR from that, then you have problems elsewhere.

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Why do you have to install the resistor in line?


I have read other places that without the current limiting resistor the circuity on the megasquirt side overloads the LC-1 A/D converter?? Mine did not work correctly until I added the resistor.

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And the O2 input works correctly with the stimulator board? That would remove any question about the megasquirt hardware.


Then use the software that came with the LC-1 to read the AFR while running using a PC.


That way make sure the megasquirt works correctly on stim and the LC-1 works correctly by itself.


The LC-1 has two outputs, I hate to ask the obvious but you are using the output you programmed right?


The other snag comes when you calibrate the LC-1 with the wideband sensor in the exhaust pipe (bad), did you calibrate with it out of the pipe? And are you sure calibration wasn't accidently kicked off since then when it was in the pipe?


I hit the button on accident with mine one day and had to remove the sensor and go through calibration in free air again.

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HI Brian,

I dont have a stimulator, so there no way to test the ECU

I did run the Log works on the lap top and the gage on the laptop shows reading.


I programed both out puts and both shows nothing


I recalibrated the LC-1 yesterday, but I can do it again.

I did check the volts on both out puts and both show 28mv. this is before and after the 470 - resistor

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You can check the volts on either of the LC-1 outputs with a multi-meter and they should read according to your AFR.


I did this for a while before I got a gauge:


Programmed LC-1 output to be 1volt = 10AFR and 2volt = 20AFR, then connect the multi meter and start the car, if multi meter reads 1.5 volts for example, then AFR is 15, if it reads 1.2volts the AFR is 12 and so on. That works well.


I would suggest you hook up a meter like that and also hook up the LC-1 to logworks and make sure the logworks readout matches the multi meter readout. Then you know you are good.


reading 28mv all the time does not sound right. BTW, do all of this without the LC-1 connected to megasquirt. Then if you connect it to megasquirt and it measures 28mv again you know the problem is in megasquirt

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Thanks guy's I have tried all for your suggestion and the sensor still does not work. I contacted the manufacture tech guy he thinks the controller is bad. I am sending it back today, I will run the car on the narrow band until they send me a replacement.

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