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hidden treasure?


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Flashback; Two weeks back my boy and I were driving on the west side of town and he said to me, dad there's 2 z's parked on the side of a house with weeds growing all around them. So, later, we drove back and sure enough, tucked back along the side of this old adobe house are these two z's, one red and one orange. Both are 240 z's. But nobody was home


Present day


I found a note on my door from a guy saying that he heard I had some z's and that I might be interested in buying the two 240z's that he had, 2 for the price of one. Both run it says, one red and one orange.


I'll go take a look this next weekend. and see what he wants.

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Lucky day! :2thumbs:


Hope is a realist and not some ignorant fool. I see stupid crazy ads on Craigslist now that have too many zeros after the first number! People have no clue that their stock 280Zs are NOT WORTH more than $4000, but hey, I'm just a critic...


Nice that these are 240Zs and I hope they're not rusted hulks.



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sounds like they havent been run for awhile, check the registrations see how far back they go. you dont want to have to pay a grip of $$$$ for backed up registration. or you can always use them as parts cars =) just keep that in mind and let him know so maybe he will lower the price ;P

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Very nice find. Whenever I see a Z like that I always have to stop and ask about it... lol


The usual answer is "It's not for sale' date=' I'm going to fix it up." But I go by from time to time and they never move... sad really.[/quote']


That's what he said, just he doesn't have time to fix them up. Actually, he doesn't have the money. I checked around and one of the cars came from AZ and he bought it for $400. The other one I don't know about, but I'll find out. I was thinking $800 for the two.

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