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Sputters Sometimes

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Well, the N/a Turbo is finnally back on the road again, kinda. I just got some minor work done to it. They tell me my intake gasket is blown, woudn't really suprise me. But the thing that I wonder about is the fact that it ran like crap on my way from the shop back to work-about 2 blocks. It wouldn't pass about 2000 or 2500rpms in any gear. Once I got it back to work, it revved nice all the way upto 4000rpms where it cuts out(read non Turbo AFM).


The motor feels like its missin really bad, but once i was at work, and randomly moving things, it would run awesome, but later on it ran like crap again. Anybody have some sort of idea? I can see the fact that I'm blowing the boost out of the intake gasket-makes sence, but it works great every now and then?

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i tried that method earlier today, and to no avail. But I did find a couple solutions, after driving 2-3 miles tday, horrible ride btw.


Turns out my AFM was dissconnected for one, which seems odd that it would run even that good without the AFM, whereas before without the AFM it would hardly run.


It also seems, that with the help of propane, that I have a leak at the throttle body somwhere.

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well, I messed up quite a bit today. I think I found out that my turbo seals are bad-go figure. And I decided to mess with the idle speed and fuel pressure. Now I don't really know where to start with what to do next. It sounds like its running great. But when its under load, it all goes to hell. I really have to slip the clutch to get it to move, I mean like barely engadge the clutch at all. It has a horrible miss and hesitation. I know that a bad AFM can cause similar symptoms, but would the NA AFM cause this to happen on the turbo'd motor? I plan on swapping the guts, but I wanna get it drivable before I even think about getting it past 4K rpm.

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