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testing MAF?

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Does any one know how to test a Z31 MAF I did the conversion on my 83' ZXT by following Afshins directions and it ran like ♥♥♥♥ I think the MAF I have could be bad does anyone know the resistance values between the pins on a good one so I can test mine.


Thanks - Robert-

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Resistance readings are not going to tell you very much, except in the case of a short.

The best way to test the maf is to power it up with 12 volts at the appropriate connector pins. Then hook up a multimeter to the scaling voltage output. Take the setup to a shop with shop air, and blow air through the unit and you should see the scale voltage go up as you increase the air through the unit.

Also, depending on the setup (Z31 ECU/MAF) you should see not less then 2.2 VDC at 750 RPM.

The Z32 maf is a little diffeent, it scales from 0-5.12 volts. But the z31 starts @ 2.2 volts @ idle.

hope that helps.

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