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Old pictures of my turbo swap...


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I shot alot of the early photos with my old Olympus C2500-L, a 2.5 megapixel SLR with a fixed lens. I've had the 20D for about a year and a half. I think it's the perfect camera for anyone looking to get into semi-pro/pro photography. The camera does not limit you in anyway. It will do whatever you want it to do. It shoots in low light with high ISO and very little grain or noise in the photos. Now is the time to pick one up used. The 30D was released and is not any better than the 20D. The 30D has a larger LCD which to a photographer means very little anyhow. The 30D drove down the prices of the 20D making it an even better deal.

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Yeah, larger lcd screen usually just means shorter battery life in my experience. I've been looking to get a digital SLR ever since my old Olympus OM-10 started to leak light every once in awhile. I picked up an old completely manual russian slr when I was in Paris last year, it's pretty fun to use. Doesn't even have a light meter, but it does have a spring loaded self timer that works like a kitchen timer. Pictures are hit or miss with it. The lenses are all scrathed up, makes everything look antique, but when you take pictures they come out really clear. Kind of a bummer.

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