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Status of Control Arms...

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I spoke with the Machinist last night and the parts are on their way to me. I should have enough stock to turn out at least 7 sets by the end of May. 3 of those have been claimed and prepaid already, but I will still have enough matterial to do 4 more sets. I also have enough stock to turn out two sets of the rear units. The rear design is basically Simon's unit, almost identical. When I have the unit complete I will post pics. E-mail me for TC rods and Front control arms requests, and also please get on the list if you want the rear units as well... as of right now I will have two full inches of adjustment for the rear units. The turn buckle is 4340 Cromoly and the base is bored from a solid 1018 mild steel. The rest of the unit will function like Simons.


Mike Kelly

ZF Racing LLC icon_biggrin.gif

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mike i need some rear arms like simon's.i got rid of rude noises from back of car but cannot set up for track.i dont adjust at track-car is set up on hunter 4 wheel rack the night before.right now rear toe is off a bit cause car was slammed together from the lsd rear diff fiasco-it steers on freeway patches that are common around here.i offered simon $500 us dollars to make me some but he said he was to busy-the mark of an honest man.please post picture when done with rear arms.the rear arms would also be excellent on a car set up with replacement type lowering springs instead of coil overs-car could finally be aligned correctly.having a z that rear steers keeps you on your toes though.my alignment is critical also because my car is driven a lot-commute to work 56 miles a day at 75 to 90 mph.i got my a/c output down to 34 degrees though.just did my spring a/c tune up-pump it out with reclaim machine and refill with correct amount-lost 6 oz in a year.let me know when rear is done-need arms for shasta run.first day is at thunderhill.a 3+ mile road course with a 4000 ft front straight.i run 130 mph into turn 1.

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I'll keep you posted. I'm filling the initial orders for front arms and TC rods 1st, but should have something to show by early June. I have the in-board mount done, just need to source the outboard steel mount and the square tubing. The blocks and turnbuckles are in the mail to me and I should have them by tomorrow.

My plan as of now is to get the initial orders out by no later than memorial day weekend. Funny snag I hit last night was finding the matterial for the inner bolt bushing on the control arm. Worst case will but me burning the factory sleeve out of the units I converted, but that adds some time to the process. As of right now I have it down to less than 4 hours to do a complete set of these front units, including TC Rods.

I had a question sent to me about how much I'm making off these units, and I'll be honest with you guys... I'm paying myself the scale wage to make these units, and after I factor in the cost for matterials, and shipping, and paying myself for the tooling and my labor, I'm making about $50 off the deal.

The rear units are costing me more to make, and more time, so they will have to cost you more to buy. However, they will be top shelf units and will allow much needed adjustment of toe and camber without hacking up your strut tower and adding in noise from camber plates. When you factor in the cost of camber plates and then the cost to have them installed, I tihnk the price is VERY Fair.

I'll try to get the first sets out the door by the end of June.


Mike icon_biggrin.gif

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