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My new stereo and free stuff...(not Z related..mostly)


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well I put a stereo together today for my room...I got the speakers from my uncle for FREE!!! The stereo is one that my grandparents had that was given to them by my other uncle . The other radio I am not sure who owned that one. It is really old and has vacuum tubes. They are all functional. The really old one is older than FM radio so it just has AM.


This is the right speaker and the OLD AM radio. It is an "Admiral"


The left speaker with the stereo tuner hooked up to the speakers. This puppy puts out 50 watts of power! plenty for my 12'x10' room! Is that a Z??? and my Xbox and my P3 650mhz power processor computer.


This is what the speakers look like. That is a 15 inch woofer! This thing can be heard across the house and downstairs!


I also got this kit yesterday. I have always wanted one...I don't know how well it will do in a dorm though. I may buy a bonsai tree that is a year or two old once I get down to college. The tree in that picture is like a year old and 4 inches tall .


HybridZ membership: free

Awesome stereo system: free

Bonsai tree: $6

Knowing all this stuff about Z cars: priceless :-)

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I love old radios!


I have a NOS Sears & Roebuck shortwave tube radio in my room. What sucks is that it requires two sizes of batteries that are NLA and a 50ft antenna....


Are you gonna take your speakers to your dorm? You need to be careful if so, some dorms with their paper thin walls transmit a lot of sound, and you might get complaints. I'm lucky my dorm has thick brick walls so I can blast my music as loud as I want haha.


I was actually looking at the Bonsai Tree kits at the store the other day...


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no I won't be taking the big ones to the dorm. Maybe the old Admiral. I just discovered several cameras that were in storage in our basement. a picture camera of unknown age. My great grandfather owned all three of these. Then two video cameras. One is a 1932 Kodak camera with instruction manual that uses a 16mm film and used half at a time. You go through the reel twice and switch it around after it runs through once and then when sent of to Kodak they would cut it down the middle into two 8mm strips. Great condition on the camera and the instruction booklet looks brand new. I found a picture of my great grandfather on a ski lift with his wife with the same camera in his hand. That was really cool. He was aparently insanely rich until the depression. Before the depression he had a car imported from the UK that was right hand drive. Very cool.


BTW the stereo that I am using is like a 1979...

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