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i need to jimmy my headlights...

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If it is a relay problem, many times you can grab a screwdriver or wrench and give a hard tap on the relay and it will switch, which might get you home. You also might want to check your fuse, because it might have popped.


How do you know if it is the switch, the fuse or the relay. If it is the relay the headlights will not turn on but the dash lights will turn on. If it is the switch or the fuse neither the headlights nor the dash will turn on. It is easy to tell if it is the fuse by looking at the fuse. Always before doing any wrenching or cutting wires know what is not working and then do the wrenching. Also if you are planning to cut and splice wires, I have a better suggestion. Just use some alligator cliped wires, pinch the clips through the insultation of the wire you want to make contact with (you can tape around that to ensure the connection in your drive), after you get it home you can do one of a few different things to close of the slight teeth marks in the wire - electrical tape, some glue, a lighter slightly melting it, shrink tubing and a hair drier, liquid electrical tape you buy at like a HomeDepot.


Good luck.

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