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I feel dirty. (my z's first grocery run)


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Okay... what the H-E-double-L is a "PUBLIX"?

I'm not sure that you're old enough for the anatomically correct explanation, mike...


It's actually a grocery store. Pretty big chain that doesn't let their bag persons accept tips...referred to internally as "Pube-licks..." Guess every shmoe job gets a new nickname.

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Well, it's no members only jacket, but I DO have a rockin Datsun jacket that I made. Here is me and my Datsun jacket on our honeymoon. (oh yeah, my wife is there too)



So far, niether my car, nor my datsun jacket has gotten me anything but puzzled looks from girls that have no idea what they are looking at...My skateboard never did either, I felt so cheated by all those music videos that told me otherwise.

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